I’m interested and considering switching or at least trying hemp bedding …I have 2 horses with respiratory issues, and one mare with kidney disease that pees a lot and has a very wet stall My stalls are rubber matted …I’ve been using cardboard bedding for a few years now -I had to start using PDZ or Stall dry powder in the pee spots due to excessive wetness, and because of that it’s also creating dust which is counter productive to the reason I had switched to using it. It’s a lot more expensive than the cardboard or chopped straw bedding …but supposedly it’s super absorbent and lasts way longer than other bedding ….ive done some searches on here and older threads say lt wasn’t very absorbent?? Is it worth it ? Does is save you money in the long run? Will it last longer ??
We’ve now switched to day turnout so horses are spending more time in stalls and they are wetter and dirtier than I’d like.