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Hempfling - Different approach to being with horses

I made one too.


Yeah, but where’s the stick art?




Oh, you want stick art??? :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

Let me see what I can dredge up. In the meantime, I’m sure there are others here who are much more talented than I, who can rise to the challenge!


I have to offer a recipe which you may all know, but my son refers to as “Jesus Chicken”.

Simple Roast Chicken
1 whole chicken
Kosher salt
Pan large enough to contain said chicken and juices (I like my large dutch oven, but any pan will do)

Preheat the oven to 500 degrees. Pat the chicken dry, remove any weird parts, and coat in salt. I mean coat it. Coat it like you were trying to raise it’s blood pressure while it was alive. Coat it until the salt is quite visible. Walk away for a second and coat it again.

Do not use regular iodized salt for this. Kosher salt only.

Bend the wings back behind it as though it was lazing about in the pool. Resist putting a little umbrella drink in it’s hand. You can cover the tips of the wings if it really bothers you and you can’t wrestle them backward. I don’t truss as I think it holds moisture near the bird.

Oh yeah…no moisture.

Do not. I repeat. Do not put any vegetables, lemons, butter or any other wetness near the chicken. It will spoil it. This isn’t Martha Stewart’s kitchen, it’s a simple dry roast. It needs to be dry like the Sahara desert. Dry like the best brut champagne. This will NOT result in a dry chicken, you have to suspend your disbelief here.

You may season it with a little thyme (if you have it) or rosemary can be good too. But that’s totally optional.

Do not cover said chicken. This just goes in the oven. Boom. Naked. Simple. Like working with a Lippizan Stallion in the wilds of Spain where they are common and roam free.


Roast for 45 minutes. Remove chicken from oven and curse at it spitting at you. Enlist husband if necessary. Ignore his whining about flashbacks of serving fajitas at Chilis. Admire the perfect light brown skin.

Feel free to check temps once it has rested a bit. I normally just check juices because I’m a rebel like that. But I would never advise poor food safety.

Though the roast is dry this is the moistest (I hate that word, but juiciest is worse…both accurate) chicken ever. I ordinarily don’t like chicken breast and I adore all of it. The kids used to come running before they left home. It’s particularly good for next day leftovers as it stays moist.

It is probably not good for your blood pressure but hey, neither was this thread.


Yes, please, although I’m still trying to decipher some from the original thread. For those who don’t remember it:

* (Super-fun horsey stick art!!) - Archives / Favorites - Chronicle Forums (chronofhorse.com)


@Sleipnir yep, this tallies in with what my friend - who actually DID pay to go “train” with him on his island said about him.


I vote we all compose replies to OP using ChatGPI


This technology is both amazing and terrifying. :grin:


No, no, it must be written with Crayola to prove its not AI


I admit, I was half asleep and delirious after being out in the sun all weekend when I decided to try that and laughed way more than it probably warranted when I read the response :joy:

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Since I lack talent for traditional COTH-level stick art, I present my kindergarten level Sharpie art:


I just broke into hysterical laughter in the middle of the Nashville airport when I read “jazz hoofs”. :joy::joy:


Jazz hoofs :rofl::rofl::rofl:

The art is spectacular!


That is amazing.


Hmm. This may have been the magic formula to get OP to back off. Or maybe not. I call bingo! for a ranting “will sue you and COTH and your goats unto the 7th generation” rage post in the next few days. Or “tell me your names and send me photos of your farm so I can sue you personally for saying mean things that happen to be true.”

Ah but if OP the Israeli woman with the big crush on The Master posts that, they have blown their cover. Only The Master can rage post “I will sue you for telling the truth.” Interesting conundrum.


I think it feels like a fever dream.

BTW: I made this the other day and it was THE BOMB!! : https://hestanculinary.com/blogs/recipes/thomas-kellers-life-changing-zucchini

I doubled the sauce (because its that good) and sprinkled Feta at the end.



The hypothetical Israeli woman who happens to write with what looks like standard German taught handwriting/printing…


Hmm. I don’t know any Hebrew scholars to vet this but I’d bet it’s about as competent as the singing voice and horse handling.

Sometimes cult leaders will learn Hebrew to create their own interpretation of parts of the Old testament. Or remember when the Kabbalah was attracting celebrities like Madonna in the 1990s?

It’s also easy to just hand copy text off the internet.

I’m reminded of the Nigerian romance scammers that send photoshopped passports to their targets and expect to be believed.

I’d be more impressed if OP had a coherent narrative about their life and experiences with horses.


Quite honestly, if we get slammed with any more posts that seem to have the primary goal of soliciting disciples or marketing upcoming books, YouTube channels or guitar concerts, I’ll flag it.