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Hempfling - Different approach to being with horses

Can we please stop giving this thread oxygen and generating more clicks for the whackadoo?

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You have a point. But like the Maestro threads it exposes a charlatan.


Ehhh, I didnā€™t worry so much about the Maestro threads because only the most clueless and gullible would be misled for more than a short while.

THIS charlatan is more subtle. I can think of a bunch of my old clients who were tentative and insecure about riding and handling their horses who would be taken in by this for longer; ESPECIALLY with the arty photos and mumbo-jumbo.

Also, unlike the Maestro, who was a weird scatter shot ego generated explosion of nonsense, this charlatan seems calculated and targeted; like this is all a scheme to improve search engine results.

Also, AI Chat bots produce way more intelligent script than the Maestro ever dreamed of; and with better grammar and punctuation. The poster here is way closer to a ChatBot.



I think I need whatever the OP is taking. Using AI to ā€˜proveā€™ that youā€™re not an AI? The doom-and-gloom stories Iā€™ve been reading about the risks of AI might be on to something.

Hereā€™s a recipe for another Scottish delicacy: deep fried pizza. Being drunk enough to want this (trust me, itā€™s grim) seems perfectly justifiable.

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deep-fried pizza would either be amazing or disgusting, depending on the day and intoxication level. Iā€™d be surprised if it wasnā€™t offered up at numerous fairs in north America.


Comes with a stick of deep fat fried butter.


It isnā€™t good. The last one I had (someone brought it to a party) was in fact deep fried in batter. Imagine a very mediocre cheese pizza, in a batter. I canā€™t figure out why this hasnā€™t caught on outside of Scotlandā€¦

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@Sleipnir and @Scribbler thanks for the sleuthing. ((( shudder )))

The plot certainly has thickened, eh?


Iā€™d be very curious to see the prompt for chatGPT rant, as it reads like it was fed a lot of information to be included.

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I made one too.


Yeah, but whereā€™s the stick art?




Oh, you want stick art??? :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

Let me see what I can dredge up. In the meantime, Iā€™m sure there are others here who are much more talented than I, who can rise to the challenge!


I have to offer a recipe which you may all know, but my son refers to as ā€œJesus Chickenā€.

Simple Roast Chicken
1 whole chicken
Kosher salt
Pan large enough to contain said chicken and juices (I like my large dutch oven, but any pan will do)

Preheat the oven to 500 degrees. Pat the chicken dry, remove any weird parts, and coat in salt. I mean coat it. Coat it like you were trying to raise itā€™s blood pressure while it was alive. Coat it until the salt is quite visible. Walk away for a second and coat it again.

Do not use regular iodized salt for this. Kosher salt only.

Bend the wings back behind it as though it was lazing about in the pool. Resist putting a little umbrella drink in itā€™s hand. You can cover the tips of the wings if it really bothers you and you canā€™t wrestle them backward. I donā€™t truss as I think it holds moisture near the bird.

Oh yeahā€¦no moisture.

Do not. I repeat. Do not put any vegetables, lemons, butter or any other wetness near the chicken. It will spoil it. This isnā€™t Martha Stewartā€™s kitchen, itā€™s a simple dry roast. It needs to be dry like the Sahara desert. Dry like the best brut champagne. This will NOT result in a dry chicken, you have to suspend your disbelief here.

You may season it with a little thyme (if you have it) or rosemary can be good too. But thatā€™s totally optional.

Do not cover said chicken. This just goes in the oven. Boom. Naked. Simple. Like working with a Lippizan Stallion in the wilds of Spain where they are common and roam free.


Roast for 45 minutes. Remove chicken from oven and curse at it spitting at you. Enlist husband if necessary. Ignore his whining about flashbacks of serving fajitas at Chilis. Admire the perfect light brown skin.

Feel free to check temps once it has rested a bit. I normally just check juices because Iā€™m a rebel like that. But I would never advise poor food safety.

Though the roast is dry this is the moistest (I hate that word, but juiciest is worseā€¦both accurate) chicken ever. I ordinarily donā€™t like chicken breast and I adore all of it. The kids used to come running before they left home. Itā€™s particularly good for next day leftovers as it stays moist.

It is probably not good for your blood pressure but hey, neither was this thread.


Yes, please, although Iā€™m still trying to decipher some from the original thread. For those who donā€™t remember it:

* (Super-fun horsey stick art!!) - Archives / Favorites - Chronicle Forums (chronofhorse.com)


@Sleipnir yep, this tallies in with what my friend - who actually DID pay to go ā€œtrainā€ with him on his island said about him.


I vote we all compose replies to OP using ChatGPI


This technology is both amazing and terrifying. :grin:


No, no, it must be written with Crayola to prove its not AI