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Henry the Handyman from rags to riches

Can people haul an empty trailer somewhere, and then return home with it still empty? Isn’t that against our biological instincts?

We have to put something in the empty trailer so that when we return home we can say “look what I got!” Fairly certain this is part of the human condition.



Note to self. Do not take @OverandOnward as the Voice of Reason on this road trip.



I’m pretty good at getting horses onto trailers. Know a lot of techniques. I have a couple of specially-made flags to wave around behind them, in a particular way, of course.

Motto: “No horse left behind.”



I think that’s the entire COTH motto. Sometimes I’m glad I’m broke.


Road trip on hold!

The number I have in mind for what this hony is worth is not matching the number his owner has decided is reasonable.

I may be crazy but I’m not stupid. :rofl:

I asked her to let me know if she changes her mind :woman_shrugging:t2:


Maybe a time you may say you were lucky.

“When in doubt don’t” applies here, owner made it easy for you to decide. :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

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My money (like I had some :roll_eyes:) says Seller will wait for you to counter & come back lower.
Or not :woman_shrugging:
Give her a month & call back.
Fib & say you were in the area to look at another horse, that didn’t work out & you were wondering if Hony was still around…
If he’s sold, it wasn’t Meant to Be.
If not, price may have :arrow_down:

In my neck of the woods, it is not that uncommon for backyarders to skimp on vet care.
If they don’t show and have to get Coggins, horses never see a vet & parasite control is also iffy.
Shoer may be a regular, but medical care :frowning:

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Yeah, I told her the number I was comfortable with. That number is well above what he would bring at auction as is, but I also asked her to please let me know if she decided to try to sell him that route. She told me she wouldn’t do that, but you never know. oh well!


Sometimes a seller thinks that whatever price they choose, someone will pay it.

Sometimes sellers don’t understand that the seller does not decide what the buyer will pay. The buyer decides with the buyer will pay.


Seller sounds clueless about more then vet care…


Hope the owner comes around, very cute modpodge of a horse.

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My guess is that you hear back from her within two weeks with an acceptance of your offer. Once she figures out you’re not going to cave on the price and realizes his expenses will continue to pile up.


Maybe he’s one of those rare, exotic spotted honies? :thinking:

I was looking forward to a recurring series of your adventures. Hope the seller reconsiders!

True story.
I fell for a bait and switch ad. Drove almost 3 hours to find that none of the horses they had advertised were on the property. They did, however, have a series of goofy half broke field trial gallery-level horses (follow the others and don’t kill anyone). It was awful. I rode a few so I could tell them how bad they were then asked to see something decent. They pulled out a really good looking horse but by then I was done. As they were getting him saddled I saw that a horse was hung up in the fence. They scrambled to get her unstuck and I walked to my truck and trailer and got the hell out of there without a goodbye much less a kiss my ass :wink:


Two weeks and two days later, you were so close!

Going to meet the hony on Saturday. Where’s @OverandOnward???




Come on! That’s got to count! :rofl::rofl::rofl:

I’m so happy you heard back! Keep us posted!


Yay! I was wondering about you and “Jigsaw” this weekend. Keep us updated!

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Yo right here. Where & when ??? :clap: :clap: :clap: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :crazy_face:


COTH is right… again.