Henry the Handyman from rags to riches

Jingles for you @2bayboys and for Henry, hope you both heal well and quickly!

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I took a yearling to a FEH show at Virginia Tech. There were steel bleachers and kids running up and down them. My young horse reared up and his bridle # hit me right below the eye. I drive home, unload the horse and apparently had a big black eye. Husband - How the heck did you get injured if you weren’t even riding the horse. I have skills.


OUCH!! That sounds painful!

I was putting on my mustang’s halter and my other horse reached over the stall wall and poked him in the butt. Mustang swung his head up and slammed me right above the left eye. I literally saw stars and had to sit down on the edge of the feeder while mustang looked at me with alarm as I felt my eye start swelling shut. I had lots of pretty colors for a few weeks; luckily he hit my brow bone which, it turns out, is one of the densest and strongest bones in the body. If he had hit my occipital bone it would have shattered.

Partial tear of my ACL when Odin decided he was done with a dressage lesson and slammed my knee into a fence post. Tore my breeches and had a nice slice across my knee cap. Had to have surgery to repair.

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My non-riding related stupid injury that I will never live down is tearing the tendon in my finger changing clothes. Cue a couple months in a splint to keep my (middle of course) finger straight

I supposed it is sort of horse related as I was at the barn changing clothes to ride
and yes, I still rode after doing that


Fractured one ankle by turning a shopping cart over on it. Sprained the other one by tripping in a hole in the post office parking lot. Thankfully not the same week.


Oo! Oo! Oo!

I want to play!

I had hopped on my horse bareback, with a halter and a shank, to ride between one paddock and another. The crownpiece of the halter slipped way back, because of the pressure on the shank. I leaned forward to move the crownpiece at the same moment that the horse flipped his head and
black eye. After my coworkers gave me a ration of grief about it, I said “Yes! Yes, I’m in an abusive, codependent relationship with my HORSE!”

Next one, I was lunging my fresh horse before riding and he had a moment and took off bucking on the lunge line and pulled me off of my feet. I broke a finger hitting the ground. I was depressed for weeks over the fact I no longer had to ride a horse to get hurt, I could get hurt lunging. <<<special skills.

Last one, I was dismounting. I prefer to dismount onto a mounting block, because age and infirmity. As I was dismounting on the block, my horse swung around to see his herd mates, and knocked me off the mounting block and then stepped on my foot when I was on the ground, breaking a small bone in my foot. Explaining to people that no, it wasn’t a fall, and no, it wasn’t a riding injury and no, it wasn’t the horse’s fault was a lot of fun.


I want to mention here my stellar incident of getting hit by a car while driving my horse. It was my own freaking car, on my own freaking property, with my own horse. That was a fun one to explain to insurance. They kept looking for someone to pay for it all. I left the car out of it altogether and just said it was an equestrian accident with my own horse on my own property. They finally quit bugging me and paid the bills.

It doesn’t quite count as I was driving him when it happened, but still, who gets hit by their car on their own property? It wasn’t my fault, it wasn’t the horse’s fault. We won’t mention who parked the car at the top of a steep driveway without properly leaving it in gear and setting the brake (DH).

I screamed as I got launched out of the cart, and my husband came running outside. He asked me why I’d parked the car against a tree at the bottom of the driveway, why was I lying on the ground, and oh, where is the pony? My neighbor who saw it all happen came over right before DH came outside and asked me if I was dead.

The pony was uninjured (amazingly) and had made his way into the back yard, dragging the wrecked cart. He was quietly grazing, didn’t seem upset at all. I had a momentary panic when DH took the pony’s bridle off before removing what was left on the cart, but the pony didn’t react at all. He was always very chill.

That all resulted in six months of wound care to fill the hole the hematoma left in my leg. A good time was had by all (not!).



I work with a girl who recently dropped a watermelon on her head.

She’s been out with a concussion and headaches and eye issues for two months now. In case you were wondering how she did this, we work in a kitchen and the watermelon was on a high rack. We think she’s milking workmen’s comp for as long as she can.


I was out of work for two weeks when I injured my knee by NOT falling on the ice. I slipped and twisted my knee holding myself up. Doctor told me I would have been better off falling down. :woman_facepalming:


Head injuries are no joke, she may not be faking too much.

My question is, who puts a watermelon high on a rack?
Just getting it up there is dangerous.


I tore my rotator cuff running my stirrups up


I’m sorry but I giggled at this!! I thought we horsewomen are supposed to be so tough and indestructible!


I tore mine when stepping off the mounting block without first stepping on the left stirrup, on a gentle horse that took a step sideways and stretched me out like a cartoon character.
I had to make a superhuman effort to hoover on air, no horse underneath and pull myself all the way across the abyss into the saddle. :roll_eyes:


I broke my baby toe carrying a two-pack of franks red hot sauce to the cupboard when bringing in groceries. One bottle slipped out of the plastic packaging and fell on my toe.

I yelped loudly. DH’s immediate response was “well, you kind of deserved it” because he already thought I was ridiculous for buying the costco pack of hot sauce.


I had a similar experience with insurance.

I was driving my husband’s truck in a cow pasture at night, looking for a break in the pasture fence where the cows had gotten out earlier. Somehow, in the dark, I apparently drove between a mama cow and calf, and a mama cow charged the drive and rammed the passenger side door.

No, I’m not kidding.

So we turned it into the insurance company, and they denied the claim saying it was “An act of God.” I replied that it was an act of cow, so unless you were Hindu, it was not, in fact, an act of God. They eventually paid for the bodywork on the truck.


A friend hit a deer and it banged up the front of her car, deer was killed, blood all over .
Insurance inspector came, made his report.

That night, a bear came by, smelled the blood and tore hood up and bumper off the car.

Next morning, insurance inspector came back, made second report.
Later he said, the front office rolled eyes at that claim, but paid it.


“Act of Bear”


:rofl: :rofl: I sure hope he was referring to this quote versus expecting you to answer if you were dead.

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I tore mine doing nothing. At least when I tore the other one, it was in a lawn darting off a horse.


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