Henry the Handyman from rags to riches

Would ground work be a possibility if the riding is a no go?

longer pasture time for Henry will not harm and might be very good. Your young rider is good enough under supervision, and a trusted pro would be an ally . I would wonder if now is the time for a very good Dressage foundation. Even if your young rider just did hill walks and trot sets, this conditioning is a huge plus for body and mind.


Gosh I donā€™t know. Right now I donā€™t feel comfortable lunging anyone because of the torque and I can walk but Iā€™m SLOW. No idea how long before Iā€™m back to normal-ish on foot after surgery. Iā€™ve been riding my hunt mare, wearing a knee brace, because sheā€™s pretty much bombproof and very predictable, so I can still take the kids out on trail rides. My ortho doctor didnā€™t believe me when I said it hurt less to ride than to walk, but I have limited effectiveness with my right leg and Iā€™m not attempting to school anything. Iā€™m not mentally or physically comfortable getting on a green or difficult one right now.


I was more thinking in hand stuff with the kid or someone else . Showmanship patterns / learning how to model . Long hand walks in the ring Stop/ turn / trot in hand. Something that can keep Henryā€™s brain engaged with out actually riding .


I can completely understand that. It is one thing to ride a been there done that type you have complete faith in. Itā€™s something else entirely to get on a green one.

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I misunderstood you! Thatā€™s a great idea!


No worries. I wasnā€™t very clear and I can completely understand not wanting to lunge a horse with a knee injury.

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Thatā€™s a terrific idea! Thatā€™s a great something for both Henry and kid to learn. Heck, I started doing some of that with my 15yo when he had a shoe off last week. I just wish I had thought of it earlier in that week.

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Might want to teach the kid the patterns from a safe distance for awhile. Based on friends rehabbing knee surgeries, you donā€™t want to put yourself at risk of getting bumped into if not knocked over due to not being able to react quick enough. We all know shyt happens.


I vote, keep him and either toss in out in the field or find an adult ammi to keep him ticking over for a bit.

Just remember, that you will not be ready to hit the ground running even when you are cleared to ride. So Henry does not need 4-5 rides a week because you will not be there yet. May be just 2 rides a week and the kiddo.

The more I think about it, toss him out with the yearling. They will be fine taking the summer off.


Initial reaction was Henry can come here and learn to be a lovely trail horse while you are healingā€¦ problem would be I canā€™t imagine being able to let him go home after!

I think giving him a very casual schedule of basic rides with the kid and an occasional ride with a pro/adult with lots of turnout time would be the way I would go.


Happy update for Henry. Taking advice from yā€™all, Iā€™ve been doing a few weeks of groundwork and back to the very basics with Mr.H, and today I felt comfortable giving the kiddo a leg-up for Henryā€™s first ride back since the end of April. Just an easy walk-trot and some ground poles but Iā€™m feeling much more confident about keeping him in light work while Iā€™m rehabbing myself.


Look at that ā€œhappy back = happy tailā€ swing to his trot! Good to see you, Henry!


I hear him humming ā€œIā€™m bringing home a baby bumblebeeā€¦ā€


Can we make a Summer Pony movie starring Henry and this kid?


I think Henry is going to be one of those really smart old soul types who realizes the better the behavior the easier his life will be .


One of my most favorite books!

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Henry and kiddo look great. Is it my imagination or has he grown quite a bit?


Lol, yes!!!

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Mr. Long and Low over here.

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