Herculean evacuation effort at Ruidoso Downs

Cross posted from the racing forum

For those who haven’t seen it, Ruidoso and Ruidoso Downs, New Mexico have been under the threat of massive fires since Monday, June 17th. Several intentionally set fires (allegedly, suspects in custody) erupted into a 2 prong blaze that destroyed some 1400 structures and killed at least 2 people. The Downs were notified of a mandatory evacuation late on Tuesday afternoon, after one of the fires turned toward the racetrack. Between Tuesday afternoon and Thursday morning, some 6000 of the 7500 horses at the track were evacuated, thanks to the efforts of both professional and volunteer haulers. People showed up with everything from 2 horse to stock trailers, to big rigs to get the horses out. They were evacuated to Sunland Park and Frontera facilities in El Paso, as well as Expo New Mexico in Albuquerque. Many went to private facilities, fairgrounds, and livestock venues across southern New Mexico. Luckily the fire has thus far spared the track and the town of Ruidoso Downs, and the remaining horses are safe. There have been good rains (which caused some flash flooding in the burn zones) over the last 2 days, with high humidity which have helped the 1000+ fire fighters get a little ahead. Please spare a few positive thoughts and prayers for everyone in the Ruidoso community and most especially, for those fighting the fires.


Wow! I hope all the horses and people are safe.

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Thanks for letting us know!

That is impressive that they found places for 6,000 horses in such short order. As well as the transport.


I’ve been following that fire due to family in the general area but had no idea how many horses were there. It’s amazing they got them out! Ranch country in action. Come on, monsoons!


Amen! Ranch and farm folks are the best at pulling together! Still, wow and WOW!! That’s a lot of horses to move. :pray:


Wildfires in Ruidoso force the evacuation of Ruidoso Downs and leave the summer horseracing schedule up in the air | Watch (msn.com)

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First I have heard it was arson. Life without parole in my book


I don’t know about NM, but in CO that sentence might happen. Depending.

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I totally agree. Besides the loss of human life, think of all the poor animals. I had to turn off coverage yesterday because it showed a burned out woods with a deer laying in the middle looking around with a dazed expression. It broke my heart.


An evacuation due to fire is a hell of a time to find out you have a solid community of horse folks. I remember the fires down San Diego way, and the massive movement of animals – mostly privately owned – and the convoys of trailers from good hearted folks. It’s a sight to see, but not a sight anybody wants to see.


News here (46 miles from Ruidoso) was 1500 horses at Ruidoso Downs. Not sure where you got your numbers from, though there are many horses in that area of NM so if you included them it could well be close to 6000. From the track 1,000 were expected to move to ABQ race track and others probably back to their owners. Today Ruidoso was back open in some areas including the race track, been seeing trailers pass this morning headed back the track with horses.


That’s good news. Thanks for the update!

My two-week honeymoon in Cornwall, England, turned into two nights in Ruidoso when my brand-new DH and I got sent from the NE to Fort Huachuca, AZ, right after 9/11.

We had five days to report to AZ. Our Army chaplain organized a quickie wedding. (Church and honeymoon had already been reserved for Apr 2002, which obviously wasn’t going to work). When we got to Ruidoso, it was so pretty, we squeezed in an extra day there before we hit the road again and called it our honeymoon. It has been dear to my heart ever since.


I am located about 3 hours from Ruidoso. I haven’t heard any numbers from the track, but the news I am seeing out of Ruidoso looks pretty bad. Some areas are hit pretty hard. When I was a kid, Ruidoso was where we did all our grocery shopping and my Mom just a few miles from there for many years.

I have heard rumors of arson and that there was someone arrested, but so far nothing more than rumor. The fires were suspicious in my opinion. But we will see what the investigation shows.

My next door neighbor is currently there with his search and rescue team looking for fatalities with the cadaver dogs. Hopefully they will find none and the death count will remain at two.

It has been a devastating event for that small mountain community.

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29 people are still missing.


I’m sorry that happened. I hope you get another chance to get some leave together soon.

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Thanks, we did! This happened after the 9/11 attacks, so many years ago. But we didn’t get to Cornwall. I still tease him that he owes me that honeymoon. :grin:

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