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Hidden Gems in Aiken for 2H/Apt rental

I’m working remotely for the foreseeable future and Aiken is only a few hours away. I’m trying to do some research to see if I can relocate for at least a month or so with my 2 horses.

Definitely on a budget, so I’m not really looking for a luxury rental and full board for 2 or training board. I’d rather find 2 dry stalls with turnout/barn studio, etc. and will trailer out to my coach for lessons. If I could find something under a grand or have the ability to help out a pro who has some space but needs help with some AM/PM work, this would be ideal.

There’s a great facebook group called Aiken SC Area Dressage, Eventing and Show Jumping. Join and post the above and you should get a few hits.

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One other quick note- make sure you ask about internet accessibility and if your mobile carrier will work on the farm. Internet access is spotty here and mobile networks (even the big ones) are patchy.

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