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High IU liquid vitamin e

Hi all, I’m trying to find the liquid vitamin e that provides 5000 IU in the lowest volume of liquid. I bought Omega and its two full ounces. That is a HUGE amount to get into a horse that won’t eat it. So, I’m trying to find something else that gets that much in with way less volume.

Emcelle is 500 IU per cc.

What is the horse’s blood level? Do you require a water-soluble product which is by default a liquid? Or do you need a liquid for another reason?

The water-soluble products - Nano-E, Elevate W.S., and Emcelle - are more potent per IU, so 2000IU of any of those, is worth more than 2000IU of any regular d-alpha tocopherol, so you wouldn’t necessarily need 5000IU. Emcelle is the cheapest of those 3.

If you don’t require liquid (simply being liquid doesn’t make it water-soluble), then UltraCruz Natural E powder and pellet are pretty darn cheap, and 2000IU of the powder is a small amount, in the 1/2tsp range, I don’t remember exactly, I’ve used it for years, I have a small scoop that’s roughly 1/2 the volume of their scoop that holds 4000IU.


I used Natural E-5000 from HorseTech.com. It is in a stabilized ground flax base so can be fed dry or mixed with soaked grain. One ounce is 5000 IU of Vit E. It comes with a 1/2 ounce scoop so you can feed smaller amounts.

After doing all the math, I have decided to stick with Puritans pride natural Lee, 1000 IU gel caps. They are $.17 a day or less if you subscribe to automatic shipment. I just saved eight dollars by subscribing to a two month subscription.
Without the discount that’s $25.50for 5000 IU per day

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And your horse eats them with no issues?

Emcelle would be cheapest. I have one horse who does not maintain levels on any of the powders so I use emcelle or elevate. I either syringe it in her mouth or on a little mouthful of chopped forage. She seems to like the taste. My other horse does fine with a 1000 IU soft gel of natural vitamin e. She eats them as is in her grain.

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I am starting my horse on vitamin E. He was a little low in a recent blood test. Can you guys share with me why you use vitamin E and the positive results you see?

I used to go this route before we had so many inexpensive and available equine options, and mine would sift out the gel caps. I had to puncture them, and squirt them in.

Was pretty grateful to stop having to do that, it was a pita.

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I switched to the pellet for the horse that likes to sift out powders, but if I remember correctly, their 4000 IU scoop is around 1 Tbsp.

Two of my horses gobble them up with no problem. The other two I have to puncture and squeeze. But I have found a good hack for it to make it less of a pain in the ass. I take a clean, washcloth and dampen it slightly, put the E gel caps in a fold of the washcloth and cover them. By the next day, they are perfectly soft and easy to nip a little puncture into it, and squeeze out with no mess.

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The Internet is very full of information on the subject. You can do research easily.


The Why is to maintain normal blood levels when the horse isn’t getting enough fresh grass and, like your case, when they’re low for whatever reason.

How low was he? What’s the rest of his diet? Which product are you using and how much?

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In my case I was really dense in picking up on what was happening. Trying several things before the vitamin E.

My horse was a bit trippy, reactive to brushing, a somewhat grumpy demeanor, nippy, not wanting to go forward and over reacting in certain situations ( randomly) .

These symptoms started with not picking his feet up and it correlates to severe drought and pastures going completely brown 2 summers ago. The symptoms started in Fall and I missed the signs until he just wasn’t himself.

I had the vet, chiro ( no findings) a new saddle that fits and started on magnesium and digestive supplement but no vitamin E. This past Summer we were once again drought all Summer and he ramped back up ( he had been a bit better once on new grass) but we struggled all Summer into Fall again with inconsistent attitude.

I finally realized it may be Vitamin E and started him in late Fall . 3000 IU and have just kept it up and I have to say I have my lovely natured horse back. I am getting him in shape to ride( if the rain ever stops) and that will be the biggest tell of all when I am riding.

I use Walmart Spring Valley 1000IU 60 gel caps for $8.88 . Now that grass is booming I have him on 2000IU a day. He inhales everything I put in his bucket no problem.


This sounds like my horse!

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