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Hind End lameness

yes i would love that! I got him a smartpak supplement to help muscle rebuild from exercising its 100 a month and I havent seen any improvement in it so I just canceled it.

It was actually something that that particular vet and some people he knows in the industry produced, and they’ve had a lot of success with it. I can PM you my vet’s name and the clinic’s contact info, if you’re interested in the specifics (sorry, I just can’t remember all the details clearly). But, it was a series of I think 10 weekly IM injections, and the entire thing was just a tad over $300 (so, it’s much cheaper and comes w/out the risks involved with injecting stifles, and doesn’t help such a limited area like joint injections do).

I swear that trying it was probably one of the best things I ever did for my horse during his lameness ordeal–he has most muscle that I’ve ever seen him have (especially in his hindquarters; he’s built very lightly, and has never had a much muscle tone so to speak of, was always “sunken in” in his hindquarters, etc.). It’s what finally helped with his “slipping-out” at the trot–in fact, it’s almost completely eliminated it.[/QUOTE]

PM sent!

my horse had similar issues. We injected his stifle JOINTS and had great results.
30 days later as a planned event and due to some clinical signs we did his SI.
He’s now just back to work and so far so good. No flat tires.
My vet recommended lots of slight hill work. Go find a field where there are soft slops and you can W/T/C on.
Also, do basic but crunches, lift the abdomen, and find again another slight slop and make him back up (not undersaddle). All these are great exercises.
I also started Progressive Feed’s Topline Enhance muscle builder. Vet recommended. I do know others who have used it with great results so I can’t wait to see what it does for my guy.

So far, pleased with results but its very early on. I’m cautiously optimistic.

ya Ive had his stifles injected before with no result and his x-rays are clean…also he never flexes positive to stifle or hock(hock x-rays are clean also)

I will look into that muscle supplement!!

thank you!

my horse had similar issues. We injected his stifle JOINTS and had great results.
30 days later as a planned event and due to some clinical signs we did his SI.
He’s now just back to work and so far so good. No flat tires.
My vet recommended lots of slight hill work. Go find a field where there are soft slops and you can W/T/C on.
Also, do basic but crunches, lift the abdomen, and find again another slight slop and make him back up (not undersaddle). All these are great exercises.
I also started Progressive Feed’s Topline Enhance muscle builder. Vet recommended. I do know others who have used it with great results so I can’t wait to see what it does for my guy.

So far, pleased with results but its very early on. I’m cautiously optimistic.[/QUOTE]

This is over a decade old :flushed: but I’m hoping some of those who responded here are still around and might have updates on how their cases turned out? Might be wishful thinking, but I’m scouring the internet as we deal with some of the same symptoms…

I still have the horse I posted about. He did the 1.40-1.50m consistently since the post of mine above until 2020 (so from 2008 or 2009ish until 2020). I backed off of showing in general during the pandemic, so not showing at that height for the last couple of years. But carried my young daughter over her first 1.40m fences a month or two ago and carried her around her first 1.10m and 1.15m jumper classes this year. So the stumbling never seemed to cause any major issues in his life. And he did go through several years where it seemed to be behind us (at which time I posted), which I think probably coincided with being wickedly fit. But as soon as we’d get to the off season he’d go back to stumbling once every 4-5 rides (and now at age 21 we’re probably back to a consistency of once a ride).

This honestly could be from an incorrect hoof trim. Happened to one of mine that grows super fast and has some interesting conformation.