Hip Pain

I’m wondering if hip pain is a common side effect from 24 years in the saddle?

Over the last 6-8 weeks I’ve been dealing with some hip pain. It started out in the right hip at the same time I took up running. I attributed to a strained hip-flexor but after taking 4 solid weeks off running the pain was still there. Three days ago the same pain began in the left hip. The right one is slowly feeling better but I have flare ups. The left one is still acutely painful.

I have had some back/pelvic issues in the past. About 7 years I fell off and sublaxated my SI joint and had a hairline fracture of the pelvis. About 4 years ago I had a young horse flip on my and my back went through a 4 board fence. I’ve since been diagnosed with a “recurring, chronic strain” after that accident.

Thoughts? Ideas? I’m terrified being 27 and having these injuries cause issues so young.

If you started running but didn’t take it slow enough, that could cause problems. It could be you need to take time off, and start back slowly. It could be you need orthotics to avoid stressing something.

Do you have a good orthopedic surgeon you could see?

Where is the pain, exactly? It could be something like bursitis, that a cortisone shot would help.

Oh, my. Sounds like you needs to read the threads on the labral tear repairs that laurierace, invested and I have all had.

I have a great surgeon in Denver…

Sounds like cowgirl hip, read the old threads.

Seems to me you’re kinda young for hip injury but since hip pain is a symptom of back pathology I’d lean more in that direction so to speak. It’s called “referred pain”. If you had a spinal nerve irritation; it can cause pain & muscle spasms in your calves/thighs/leg/butt etc. I’ve even had ankle pain from a herniated disc. Read up on “dermatomes”. Do not assume you have a hip problem…and of course you need an orthopedic workup and not self diagnose! Best wishes!

I’ve been having the same issues you describe and I can tell you mine certainly isn’t riding related although it does affect my riding when I actually get to ride.

I’ve been seeing physical therapy for a little over 2 months and still not much change. Stretching seems to help some and the therapist finally manipulated my back which cause my right hip to pop pretty hard Monday, but the pain is back with a vengeance so the relief from manipulation was short lived.

I notice my hips are slightly unstable when running and after a run they feel like jello for the whole day. What are your runs like?

orginal Poster asked if hip pain is a common side effect of riding for 24 years and the answer without question is Yes. Labral tears are common , only found on MRI, the local famous orthopeadist at Bowman Gray refers to this as Cowgirl Hip.

Oh, my. Sounds like you needs to read the threads on the labral tear repairs that laurierace, invested and I have all had.

I have a great surgeon in Denver…[/QUOTE]

I thought the same thing…unfortunately no such thing as too young for hip injuries. I had a labral tear in my left hip when I was 14. I’d suggest you try to see an orthopedic surgeon. No point in suffering without trying to fix it.

Thanks everyone! I don’t have an orthopedic surgeon here but I will try and get a referral.

In regards to running, I started out very slowly working in a program. It just seems like my body isn’t up for it.

I have had back problems in the past but so far no nerve issues. I do have a bad ankle that I’m buying time on before I get surgery on it.

The source of ‘Hip pain’ is hard to dx, as there are so many muscles and nerves near the joint.

After a few months of having doctor’s visits becoming my new hobby, I was dx with a tiny partial tear in the ligamentum teres & a labral tear.

I did not opt for sx. Instead, I did three months of no weight bearing exercise per my PT. I still did non weight bearing core exercises. I read books. I took naps. I figured if I could walk & I could work, I was going to give my body proper nutrition & time to heal. I do not have a desk job. I took a comprehensive joint supp (gluc, chond, msm & ha), ha, collagen, silica & omega oils at 2x the dose for probably close to a year. I took aleve for pain. It was better than Advil. I was taking 18 Advil a day before trying aleve. I gradually returned to exercise & riding.

It took nearly a year for a full recovery. I can do everything that I want to do. I do CTR. I can post the trot for MILES. I even hiked the Grand Canyon last year. I still take a comprehensive joint supplement & omega oils. Age, health, fitness, weight and nutrition are important factors. So is time. It’s free, but we are always in a hurry.

I would be sure to ask the hard questions to both the surgeon & other posters here to see what an expected outcome is. Sx may not have the sunny outcome you hope it will. It’s not a quick fix & recovery takes time.

Have you also considered seeing a foot specialist in case you need orthotics? I had hip/knee pain that was helped quite a bit when running and walking.

I had pain that I thought was my hips and it turned out to be tight I-T bands. I never had heard of those, but they are on the outside of your thighs and if it hurts like #$*& to run your thumb down that part of your leg, that might be it. They made my hips and butt hurt A LOT especially when sitting in the car.

There are numerous stretches on the internet, or talk to a physical therapist.

Good luck.