Hip replacement...now post-op exercises


Well I am alive. Hip was a mess even though the x-ray may not have looked that bad. Labrum was shredded and the joint capsule full of adhesions. He was able to do the Superpath. The “catch” I had when I rotated over the joint is gone:D. I could have gone home today (PO day 1) but got a bit over medicated and my blood pressure tanked this morning. But I should head home tomorrow. I am plenty sore but totally all incisional pain and muscle soreness from the manipulation…but they aren’t cut:cool:.

The exercises I couldn’t do PRE-op I can now do post-op albeit slowly.

Onward and upward;).


Glad all is well! Your PT will give you exercises specifically tailored to your needs based upon their evaluation of your range of motion and such. Best of luck to you on your rehab.

My farrier had a hip replaced, and intended to be back shoeing within 6 weeks. She made it, and we were the 1st customer. As soon as she was able, she took the dogs for long walks. She also went to the beach and walked in the water for a substantial period of time. Although I guess that’s not do-able in the winter, at least not here in Maine.

HOpe your recovery goes well!

Glad you’re headed home ! now some patience and time ~

glad you’re headed home ````:D

now some patience and time and ALL will be fine ~!~!

No rest for the weary though. My first PT appointment was today.
The Superpath procedure has a much different rehab protocol. Since no muscles were cut, they want them stretched actively from the get-go. So in addition to the exercises I brought home, I now have PT 3x/week and he is adding to those home exercises as we go.

I am walking mostly with a cane. I still use a walker in the house because I can load it up with junk and keep my phone handy but the walker is going to go…soon. Still taking some pain meds. My goal for the weekend is to get off of those if I can. My bowels are ready for that:yes:.

Any way, so far, so good.

Thanks for checking in.


Congrats Kyrabee!!! You will be astonished with your progress. Like school, just do the work.

You’re so fortunate to have had that procedure. I had the old fashioned posterior replacement. Great outcome, but muscles were cut and more pain involved.

Keep moving - and good luck!!

I am doing pretty well…I think. I am walking with cane only and maybe can ditch that by next week? I already walk around the kitchen without it as I have counters on both sides of me if I need it.
Working very hard on not limping.

I have started PT and it is kind of brutal (for me…sissy old lady that no longer likes to be in pain). Since they don’t cut the muscles, they want them mobilized and stretched very early to cut down on adhesions in and around the joint capsule. That damned clamshell exercise is still my nemesis. If I groan and strain, I can lift my knee about 2 inches. Last night after a pretty full day (3 walks, 10 minutes on the stepper and the manual PT session), I couldn’t do it at all.:disgust:. Oh well, must perservere. I head back to work in 2 weeks and I want to start driving so I have to get off the opiates.

Overall, though…just not having all those pesky restrictions has been invaluable for me. It is tough to NEVER bend over when you are single…my house is set up for the restrictions but the reachers never seem to be in the right place. And of course when you can’t bend over, you drop everything:yes:.

Onward and upward:D.

Glad you are doing well. I am having a pesky nerve problem following my second hip surgery. Just when I thought I was on my way to recovery it hit the fan.

Laurierace, sorry to hear you’re having problems. I had my second hip replaced on March 2, and rehab is going so much better this time around. Both were anterior approach, but this time I had good mobility from the very first day.

Laurierace - how far along are you, post-op? Have you had the nerve problem long? Jingles for a good recovery.

Kyrabee, I can relate to the clamshell misery! NOT my fave. You sound like you are having pretty much the same recovery I had in 2014, when I had my hip replaced. I still think the PT was crucial, if hard, to getting so much better. My hip is now the least of my worries and never bothers me. Good luck!!!

Yes…Iberianfan. The PT is tough. I guess I way overdid it last weekend and it took about 3 days for everything to calm down.
Then, Wednesday, I was trying to square up a mat and was gently kicking it with my left foot (new hip on the right) and OMG:eek: every freaking muscle around my hip spasmed. I will be glad when that is gone. I sneezed tonight and hoped that didn’t set them all off (at once). It didn’t…yeah. Lots of heat and I am back to doing my exercises but geez…I was just standing on it. Despite all that, I am walking much faster than I was pre-op. Even though I still have soreness and the occasional spasm, it is definitely working better than before surgery:yes:.

I have 3 more PT sessions scheduled then see the doc again on April 9th. Hopefully by then I can do a self directed program. I really have been faithful at doing my regimen every day. I only missed one day that I was sooo sore and even then, I kept up with my walking.

The PA said it would be OK to ride but I have been a bit leery of having spasms on the horse…the consequnce of giving her a big squeeze when they hit and/or not being able to get off…neither option seeming particularly desirable. She is really a big marshmallow now but my friend has been nice enough to start ponying her so she is getting some exercise.


Kyrabee, Has your PT incorporated a balance ball? I had a THR on March 2, and honestly the balance ball exercises are my favorite ones because they gently stretch the hip without putting too much pressure on it. Added bonus of engaging my core.

I will ask him stryder. I do like the exercise ball. Reminds me that I need to inflate myrna at home. It is still in the box from when I moved.


I rode today :D. Only 15 minutes and only at the walk but I was on the back of my horse. I was never worried about riding…it was the mounting and dismounting. However, I did extensive work with her as a youngster and it is paying off in diamonds now. I have for the last several months and am still mounting from the right side (until I can build up the strength in my right leg be able to normally lift it…that seems to be the slowest thing to come around). She is a saint and very patient and I got on (and off) without issue. I am sitting much more squarely in the saddle…much to her delight I’m sure. I was pretty crooked before surgery and she was having some issue with it.

I have another week of PT plus work so riding will be kind of spotty until the PT is finished. My energy still isn’t quite up to snuff. I still poop out quickly but it is getting better every day.


Excellent ! Back in the saddle !!!


Back in the saddle !!

  • a huge step in recovery !!!

Reminds me that I need to inflate myrna at home.

Nothing to add here, but that’s a really funny typo! :lol:

Congratulations on your new lease on life!

Damned auto correct…must have missed the space. Yes…I must go find Myrna and inflate her:winkgrin:. Was supposed to be inflate MINE (as in my exercise ball) :lol:.


I did not have a replacement but had both hips basically removed and replaced in a different position so probably the same or more severe since I was in bed for 6 months but riding before I could walk without crutches even showing on the flat…mom made dang sure therapeutic riding program was part of my physical therapy to get me sane and back in the saddle as soon as possible… Get dr to ok therapeutic riding as physical therapy or just start yourself gently on the quietest horse you can find.