Hip replacement people -- Pre-op exercise?

I have had a progressive hip issue and finally the verdict that it needs to be replaced. I am in horrible shape as I have not been able to find much of any exercise that I can do for long…so I haven’t:(:ambivalence:.

What all did you do, if anything preop? I would like to be stronger and more fit for surgery (late Feb). I still have to work full time up to surgery so I have to be able to be on my feet (well up and down…not straight standing) for 8-10 hr shifts and hopefully not too painfully. I did bike (stationary) last night for a whopping 12 minutes and so far today am not too sore. Walking isn’t comfortable at the level of effort or distance that would affect my fitness. Last time I tried my Wii fit for 30 minutes, I regretted it for several days…too much hip action I guess :lol:.



The most important thing that you can do pre-surgery is lose weight.

There are exercises that you can do to strengthen the muscles around your hip that will help with recovery. Just google pre hip replacement exercises and you will come up with lots of them.

I second the weight loss --and someone’s going to shoot me here --but even more than exercise. When I was younger, I was a big woman and I lifted weights right along side the guys. I could move feed, hay, muscle a horse --no problem. When I started having joint issues (about the time the last kid moved out) I got truly serious about weight --saw a doctor, got on a plan, and lost about 90 pounds --and probably the last 40 was muscle. I know, I know, I should have worked out as I lost weight, but I’m focused and LOSE WEIGHT was my matra (KEEP IT OFF) is my matra now. For me, it was too late --hip and knee replacement --but NOW I am 100% --well, maybe 110% because I can do things I could not do before weight loss and replacement parts. The loss of muscle has been pronounced --I cannot lift a hay bale and carry it. I cannot lift a 50 pound feed bag --and I have to out think my horse instead of out muscle him. However, my recovery from joint replacement surgery has been great --every MD and PT involved has said it is due to my lack of weight on the joints. I am on the lean side (ten more pounds off and DH complains I’m “thin”). I do miss the “old me” who could move a set of 10 jumps by myself in an hour or two. But I don’t miss the pain of my joints --so life is a trade off. So more than exercise, I suggest lose weight. But that’s just my opinion. :slight_smile:


Weight…check. I have noticed that any additional weight I carry, lift, drag makes it worse so that speaks volumes. I had foot surgery 2 years ago…hoping that would help the hip issue which wasn’t that bad then. Unfortunately, the hip has continued downhill. The foot surgery relieved the pain but really didn’t help the faulty mechanics that much but I don’t know which thing is mucking up the mechanics more at this point. Anyway, I had lost 30lbs prior to the foot surgery but over the last 2 years have gained about 8-10 back…blech. So yep but I find moderate exercise helps me that with weight loss. I will google pre-op exercises and use the smaller plates;).

Thanks, Susan.

If it makes you feel any better, my DH (Really, SO not an athlete!) has had both done and his recovery was very swift and painless in both cases. He was skiing again 16 weeks after the second one…

His biggest complaint is that he waited so long before he had them done.

He did a little write up on the whole procedure for his surgeon that I would be happy to send to you if you pm me your email address.

If you’re able to exercise, you’re in better shape than I was. I really couldn’t walk more than a few feet. After the surgery, I was diligent about following physical therapy instructions, and pushing myself as hard as I could. Eight weeks post, I took on a group of nine unhandled young studs to civilize. I spent 7 or 8 hours a day on my feet, working with them, and by the time I had haltered & led them all, my orthopedic surgeon thanked me for making him look good.

Just to say, I don’t think it’s as important to prepare for the surgery, when you’re having it because you are impaired, than it is to be very aggressive afterwards.

Good luck. It was like a miracle cure for me, and I’d do it again in a heartbeat.

The PT"s told me that biking is h*ll on hips! Elliptical if you can do any is better for not grinding on the hip joint!

Concentrate on your new life ~ begin making gradual changes ~

I dieted up til THR but afterwards is not the time to 'diet" diet ~

Make some gradual changes now in eating habits that you will follow forever ```

Once the surgery is over eat healthy … stock your freezer with pre-cooked portion controlled meals / baked chicken breasts


get local take out menus … make healthy choices / establish the healthy eating now and continue after surgery … worked for me ~

No need to worry about exercise til after , designed for your life style by PT , like simulating getting on your horse …lungeing your horse " keep your feet moving = don’t plant your feet with a new hip"

Congratulations on your decision !

You won’t regret it !

** So nice when you ‘come to’ and ??? [B]YOU REALIZE THAT PAIN IS GONE !!!

[/B]Be patient with yourself … recovery can be boring :lol:

Follow instructions and right when you think when will I ever be rehabbed ??? :confused:

You’ll realize you are ‘ready to go’ :slight_smile:

  • would be glad to answer any specific questions , just pm me

THR 1-17-05 … a whole new life without pain !!!


Icing can be done before and/or after PT ~~~~

Thanks for the replys.

I am doing OK. I changed my shift at work and now only do 8hr shifts instead of 10’s and that has helped some. I try to do something everyday…nothing very strenuous but at least moving my body. I can still get on and off my horse (from a mounting block) although that is getting more painful. Once I am on and settled I can putter around. I am not sitting very square and am cognizant of that for poor horsey. I have been taking some short walks with my walking sticks. I can switch to the elliptical at the gym although the bike is going OK. I have had some tendinitis in my left foot so it feels good to get off that. Same thing happened when I was awaiting repair of a torn rotator cuff on the left…I got wicked tennis elbow in my right arm. Seems I have difficulty keeping my poor skeleton happy:confused:.

My problem isn’t…yet…bone on bone arthritis but have some large reactive bone spurs due to dysplasia in the femoral head probably due to avascular necrosis. A few too many games of lawn darts off of horses (with me being the dart;)) over the years probably. Plus about 3 years ago I stepped off a step stool with a awkward heavy object in my hands. I thought I was on the bottom step but no…man did I land hard on that right leg. That episode seemed to accelerate things.

3 weeks from tomorrow hopefully all better.

Thanks all for your time.


Mine is 4 weeks from today. It’s my second one, and I am really looking forward to it.

Would swimming be convenient?

Clam exercises:

Except, my PT instructed me to lay my head flat on my elbow, instead of propping it up as this video shows.

And here’s a good sampler. My PT gave me a form of all of these after my last replacement:

Good luck!

Eek…clamshell puts me in bad spasms quickly. The chiropractor was trying to get me to do those and that one quickly got put on the shelf. I can do basic bridges without too much pain.

MD doing mine is doing the Superpath approach and he said that post op, more stretching is advantageous as with this method, the muscle aren’t cut. So I guess I will find out in 3 weeks. I am basically just trying to maintain some base of general fitness but it is hard when most things make it hurt. I am getting wimpy re: pain in my old age.


Please remember clothes and adapter item preparation ~

Please remember clothes prep ``` sweat pants … Pre=tie tennis shoes

Adapter items ````

  1. sock applicator

  2. ‘picker-upper’

  3. modify chairs with cushions to adhere to protocol

  4. tie a box bottom to ‘walker’ with shoe string to hold cell phone, tv remote and keys … when traveling from room to room

  5. Get an adjustable cane to ‘transition’ to after walker … get it fixed to correct height now

  6. I strappped my ‘picker-upper’ to the front of my walker and then to my cane with velcro straps (hardward store) for emergency drops along my ‘travels’

Good Luck ! You’ll not regret your decision ~

Thanks Zu Zu. I went to joint class on Monday.

Have (or will have) a reacher in every room. Snagged my Dad’s walker although for the procedure I’m having, I shouldn’t need it for long. The Superpath procedure does away with most of the precautions because they don’t cut the muscles around the hip although I’m ready for whatever the doc says. I also have a cane and lots of little crutch/walker aids from my foot surgery 2 years ago. The velcro Command Strips are wonderful for such stuff too.

Picking up all the throw rugs. Have the “handles” on the (tall) toilet. Sock aid on the way. Have a dressing stick that I have been practicing with. I have cushions all over the house due to my tailbone/butt pain so I can get really high if I have too (without drugs:lol:). That way, if it ends up being changed to a normal posterior approach, my house is all systems go.

I am so ready…I have been doing the exercises recommended in class and am so sore. I have eliminated the really ouchy ones (abductor/adductor and leg raises :disgust:) and will just keep up with my modest biking or eliptical and do the chair pushups and quad and glute sets.

T-minus 8 days and counting.


Wishing you a successful surgery and easy recovery. You will feel so much better soon!

Jingles & AO for easy ‘Hip Trips’ Kyrabee & stryder !

Know you two are busy with prep & details ~

Just wanted to wish you two ~ smooth sailing !

update when you are back online ~

JINGLES & AO for easy and speedy recovery ~

I second Zuzu’s wish for a speedy recovery!! I am just over 2 years post replacement, and am very happy with my progress.

Please walk around your home and plan for a couple of weeks where you will have some challenges. All of our furniture is very low. I purchased a lift chair (yes, the Granny chair) and was very happy that I did. I knew I would be alone from 7am till 4 pm each day and was afraid I would not be able to ambulate without assistance. Guess what, I was correct, I did need the “boost”. I found the chair was the only place I was comfortable, and lived in it for the first few weeks.

I recommend you build a nest around your chair prior to your departure. Lamp, computer, table with a drawer, notebook and pen. (document the time you take your medication as you will forget) bottles of water, tissue, wastepaper basket, small basket/box for little things (lip balm/pill bottles) remote, phone, charging devices tie cords somewhere you will be able to easily reach. I repeatedly lost the cords and was not able to retrieve.

Don’t try to be too brave. Take pain medication if you need it. Exercise faithfully. I repeat… Take pain medication if you need it. Exercise faithfully. You will soon be strong again.

Update us when you are able. Best wishes to both of you.