Hock x rays

Hi, Do somebody know if this IS a Bone spur? Thanks

Looks like it.

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No lameness AT thé moment, maybe just thé beginning ?

As my radiology professor would say, “animals walk on their limbs, not their radiographs.”

Which is to say, one can have significant lameness and “clean” radiographs, or significant radiographic changes with no clinical lameness.


Yes, for sure, i had a horse with slight changes in his hocks and was very lame. My question IS more to know how Bad it looks like

Generally, a spur on a lower joint is much better finding than if it was on an upper joint.

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Yes, but still…on a yearling…

You didn’t give any signalment on the original post.
If you’re concerned, might be worth having the radiographs reviewed by a boarded radiologist.

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Yes, i just asked if in that x Ray it IS a Bone spur or not. I have a doubt but m’y vet IS on hollyday and maybe someone have Seen this kind of image.

And the question was answered.
It is still regarded around these parts as courteous to include as much information as possible whan making an inquiry of this sort.