I recently started riding my horse who is barefoot and happy that way. The feet are great, but I’m concerned that riding in sand will wear them too much. And where I mat trail ride has gravel paths. What would be a good boot to use that will not alter breakover or way of going, but will keep the foot from wearing. Also maybe some protection on trails. Thanks in advance.
I use Scoots, and have also used Cavallos. I like them both. Just like hiking shoes for humans, it depends on what brand best fits the foot.
If your horse goes well barefoot, Hoof Armor can be great to deal with excessive wearing: https://hoofarmor.com/
I have used the Hoof Armor successfully, but I mainly use Renegade hoof boots. But like the previous poster said, it’s all about fit. Measure after a good, fresh trim and see how it compares to the charts the different manufacturers have. Also some boots are easier to put on then others, or are good for more fast riding or easier riding. Boots (of any brand) can be a process to get the right fit, but once that is figured out I really like the options they give me. Good luck!
While I haven’t ordered my horse’s Renegade Vipers yet, I did buy a sizing boot from the company for like $11 to make sure I had measured correctly. This seems like a genius marketing plan, to me.
I’m convinced of its wisdom because it turned out that had I gone with what I thought was the right size, 130mm x 130mm, one boot might have barely fit and the other likely would have been a teeny bit too small. To learn this, I emailed the company a few photos of each foot wearing the sizing shell, and someone responded with advice within 24 hours.
The handful of barefoot-ers at the mostly dressage barn where I spend my days have used Renegades for donkeys’ years.
I have used scoots but found that they fit a very specific shape of foot/heal and are less inclined to be forgiving in that way. I only tried the classic model as the enduro’s don’t come big enough for my boy. I decided to switch to Flex Boots and love them! I use them to protect against gravel on hard ground, and bigger rocks on trials and road hacking, otherwise for all schooling and showing he is 100% barefoot
I use the Renegades and I love them. They don’t rub and they stay on. They’re also easy to put on and off. I just use the regular ones, not the vipers.
I’ve heard a few podcasts about boots and if I were getting a pair I’d do a pro consult w a fitter. The Humble Hoof podcast has some interviews w pro fitters.
Sarah Hunt is a pro.
I’m pretty sure it was Sarah that Alicia spoke with on the podcast. What I learned about it all was doing a consult seemed like a good move. Otherwise fitting can be complicated.
You can always alter breakover with a rasp…just be careful not to do too much. I use Renegades (Vipers on the front and the originals on the back). Scoots do not work on my horse. You need to use the boot that fits your horse. It is a bit of (haha…a lot) of trial and error. Many places have fit kits so take advantage of them before you plop the big $$$ down. I use boots from usually April to November. We are very dry here and the sand arena can be pretty abrasive. I just feel better giving her some protection.
This is another consideration… Some boots are great in dry conditions but not mud, or great for roads/cleared trails but not rough/vegetation covered terrain.
I will only ever use Renegades. Scoots rub and Easyboots fly off if you want to canter. I’ve ridden hard 50 milers in Renegades and have about 300 miles conditioning in them in just a few months. Scoots are a waste of money.
For your horse. And my horse. But not for the horses doing Endurance rides in Scoot boots. Or Easy boots for that matter.
I’ve had good experiences with both Scoot and Renegade. I appreciate the no Velcro simplicity of the Scoots but do find that they are a very specific fit. I’ve found Renegades to be more flexible in fitting a broader range of hooves and longer during the trim cycle.
It varies. My worst experience was Renegades, but I have friends who use them very successfully. Scoots were perfect for me on several horses, but not my main guy. He’s boot houdini. Gloves are by far the best for him. There’s no one right answer.
Exactly. Anecdotal evidence is helpful, but those are not facts. There are two Scoot Boot reps on FB, and one rides endurance. Tons of people use them very successfully. I really dislike Renegades (those wires vex me - my dexterity and patience level just CAN’T), but I have friends that use them with very few issues.
I have used Scoot Boot, Renegades and Easy Boots depending on the horse. I have done fittings for other people. What I tell people is to measure when you have a fresh trim (caveat being that boots tend to work best on horses that don’t have wonky feet). Then match the measurements to the boot that comes the closest to the measurements.
I will say that for my personal horses I prefer the Easy Care products. For me they are the easiest to apply, they stay on (if you put them on correctly) and last a lot of miles. Plus you can buy them from more than just a dealer and they have Quick Studs which are a game changer when riding on slippery footing
New to hoof boots here, which my pony now needs for turnout after being diagnosed with EMS and had a bought of laminitis. My vet wants him in turnout boots after his stall rest and no shoes/pads until he is comfortable.
Has anyone had any experience with these boots at all?: https://equine-jogging-shoes.com/ultra-jogging-shoe/
Good or bad. I’m hoping they will work for turnout and will help support his hoof that little bit more. I’m in Ontario so we have a good amount of snow right now. I’m worried about snow getting down the boots and rubbing. But when I emailed them about it, they showed me lots of pictures of horses in snow in turnout with them on saying no rubbing or loss of boots…
My senior has spent the last weeks wearing his studded Cavallo Treks full time because we had just enough snow to be annoying. It covered the ice enough to hide it, but wasn’t stable enough for safe walking on ice. When snow got into his boots, it mostly melted, and the bits that weren’t had melted smooth against the horse. I do use the neoprene pastern wraps, but snow packs in around the top of them too.
I’m confident the melting effect will occur in any boot.