I see there are some old posts on this topic but wanted to revive it given all the new products that have come out in the last 10 years. We are just recovering from a horrible 4 months where I pulled shoes on my 20 year old veteran field hunter only to end up with winter laminitis secondary to aggressive farrier trimming. He is gradually getting used to being barefoot in his stall opening to run at night and hoof boots (Easyboot Fury Sling) for turnout during the day. We have a lot of rocks around here. I have a five year old with great feet who was raised on the rocks, has never been shod and tolerated some trail rides last summer pretty well. After the experience this winter with the veteran I am reluctant to put shoes on the youngster for the first time if it is only going to result in the kind of problems I’ve had with the older horse.
So far I have had the best luck galloping the veteran in Easyboot Gloves but use the Slings for daily turnout because the velcro and neoprene on the Gloves never dry out in the Pacific Northwest. However the Gloves have been the most secure so far. I recently tried Scoot Boots but they were an expensive fail as they twisted around after only 5 minutes on the longe line.
I have not yet actually hunted in hoof boots and wondered what others’ experience has been? I know there are a lot of posts on the endurance board but am wondering specifically about people’s experience with jumping in the field.