Hoof Boots for Hinds with Low Heels

Looking for suggestions for hoof boots that work well for hind feet that have low heels. I’ve been looking at Scoot Boots but it sounds like they don’t work well for low heels? Thank you!

I use Cavallo Treks with pastern wraps.

I have a pro fitted set of Scoots but they twist and the mud straps (to keep them straight) put so much pressure on him that the surface of his skin died and sloughed off.

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You could send pictures of the hind hooves to Scoot Boots through their sizing form on the website. They recommend pads or other alterations to the boots, or tell you that Scoots are not going to work for your horse.

Though my horse doesn’t have low heels, his SB needed some tweeks to get the fit right and they helped advise me through email.