Hoof Dreams Documentary

I stumbled upon this equestrian sport doc yesterday and it’s one of the best I have seen. Focuses on eventing but really illustrates the trials and difficulties of trying to ride at the top of horse sport. It is currently available for streaming on Peacock. I highly recommend. Follows three riders (Tamie Smith, Lauren Billys and Julia Krajewski) for several years leading up to Tokyo Olympics.


I stumbled on it earlier this year too and really enjoyed it. I thought it was very well done

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It was excellent, I very much related to it as an eventer! Made me cry.

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Bumping this for anyone that hasn’t seen it. I’m home alone with the baby for 4 days while hubby is working in Houston, so I turned it on.

I’m not an eventer, but I loved the documentary. It was well done, and I was rooting for Julia. Totally forgot about her showing in Tokyo so that was as super fun. I also love that they touched on subjects that affect women in the horse sports: like deciding whether or not to have children. I also had no idea Julia produced Chipmonk.

Anyway, I really enjoyed it - even as a non-eventer. I highly recommend!


I will have to take a look at it.

Also, props to whoever came up with the title!

What a timely update. I’ve had a reminder for I don’t know how long to watch this and finally did yesterday. I really enjoyed it. I was really pulling for the Girl from Germany whose horse was sold to Jung. She looked so defeated when it happened. I liked the updates at the end too.

Thanks to @Trekkie for starting this thread as I’m sure this is where I heard about it.

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Thank you for bumping this up. I had never heard of it and it was a perfect watch on a super chilly day. Love that it was very female focused and they picked very down to earth riders to follow. Loved it!