Hoofbeats Therapeutic Riding Center in Lexington, VA needs votes!

Can I ask for some votes for Hoofbeats Therapeutic Riding Center, Inc. in the WSLS 3 Degree Guarantee contest? All you have to do is find Hoofbeats in the list, check it, and then hit vote. Thanks so very much! You can vote once a day through Dec. 25th. Thanks so much!

opps - seems that link does not work - please try this one
scroll down to the choices, pick Hoofbeats, then click vote - thanks!
You can vote once a day through Dec. 25th. We need to be in the top 12, and are now #15.

Just voted for today ~ count on my vote through 25th ~!

Just voted for your Hoofbeats today :smiley:

  • you can count on my vote daily through the 25th !~

Wishing you Happy Horse Holidays eventgroupie2 ~

Thanks ZuZu! We are catching up - in 14th place right now - just need to be in the top 12 to enable Hoofbeats to be in the 12 charities getting a months donation in 2015! I am so glad we fostered Commander from Hoofbeats for the winter- the 31 year old guy has helped to take the sting out of losing Willie in November.
Thanks to all who are voting for us!

We are still in 15th place and need at least 50 votes to catch up. Thanks to all who are helping us out with your votes!

Everyone vote for Willie’s favorite charity!

Voting continues through 11:59 pm tonight! Hoofbeats needs 100 votes to get into the top 12 - we are currently 15th. Can you help?



Have voted daily ```` perhaps post this on Off Topic for more votes ???

I have voted daily ````

Perhaps thread this on OFF TOPIC for more votes ???