Horse Abuse and Marieke Slik

This incident has been reported to USEF.


Good. Hopefully, the steward at the show takes immediate action. And I hope the grey horse is thoroughly checked for pain because he seems to not want to do his job.


Good grief, that’s all it took to get her to fall off and beat him? She can send that lovely horse to me.

Glad it was caught and reported. This is shameful.


I don’t even think it looked like a dirty stop. I’m not sure why she couldn’t catch herself. He can come to my house, too.


People who lose their temper like that are often motivated by shame or embarrassment. Not an excuse, and honestly it’s embarrassing in itself to react like that…

Even a dirty stop won’t be solved by beating the horse. Poor thing, he can come live here!


I’ll take him. Would not really even call that a stop out of that WP lope, looks like there is no fence where he did a mini spook or whatever that little stutter step that she rolled off over the shoulder was.

He stood and waited for her to “catch” him like a gentleman and she really went after him with the stick upside the head, no doubt creating a lasting memory for the horse. Nice.


I wondered if he got surprised by something out of frame and just honestly reacted. His ears were in radar mode long before he propped and then he just stood there like, “woops! Sorry, Mom. I thought it was something else.”


He won’t make that mistake again after getting belted by her when he let her take the reins.


Couple things:
The correct last name is Slik and this is the FB page:

A few terribly misguided professionals have shown up with video of this horse engaged in stops and shenanigans, which makes the fact that the rider was completely unprepared for this even more ridiculous (and absolutely does not excuse their actions either)

Rider was ejected from the show and video was sent to horse’s owner

Rider now has USEF tied up in legal battles which is why we’ve heard nothing about this.


This person is a professional? A quick glance at photos she’s posted (apparently as advertising) showing her poor position in the saddle, makes me wonder why she would post them unless she is unaware of what a proper and secure position looks like.

Poor little horse. I agree that any good rider should be able to sit that small, slow spook.


This is a professional? I think she may need to work on some rider’s pilates or something to better sit that poor cute horse.


Why does everything get deleted on Facebook? Maybe some of these people would take a look at themselves if they had a public shaming and the USEF had some pressure to do something!


Is this confirmed? I saw this posted in a facebook comment as something someone heard from someone else, but find it far more likely that USEF is following its own internal hearing processes, and (like most organizations/agencies) won’t comment until there is a preliminary or final determination.

Do we know which show this is from?
I assumed it was one of the most recent ones, but the way people are commenting on FB, it seems like it possibly was from last year?

Confirmed. Cease & desist letters are flying.

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According to her USEF record she last showed November 2024, at Great Southwest - where this video was taken from. Not sure about WHEN this video was taken but it’s definitely at GSEC.

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This video popped up on one of the pages I follow on Facebook. I know social media can be a total cesspool at times but this is a great example of how it can really “out” the terrible people. I agree with the other posters saying “if this happens in public, what goes on in the privacy of their own barns?”


Her USEF record shows a rider fall in the 2’6" Hopeful Hunters at the Great Southwest Autumn Classic in November.

She was not having a very successful show as far as placings were concerned.

Edited to correct. The show was Final Chase not Great Southwest.


Not a great position. Especially with a horse maybe know for a spin about. Pinching knee. Not landing in the heels which are creeping back. That was not a dirty stop. And the reaction was indefensible