Horse bites and charges

We just purchased a 9 year old thourobred mare. The lady we bought her from said she came from a race track but never raced. She had her for 4 years and trained her for dressage and trail rides. Horse has not been ridden on about 1 year. When we got the mare home she was fine for about a month and then she charged me twice. Bit my daughter once my wife twice and then Friday when I came home charged and bit me on face. I did stand my ground but did not work. We have been working on ground work and round pen. Started with English saddle and then switched to western. Doesn’t seem to matter on saddle because she gets stubborn and won’t move after 15 to 30 minutes riding in round pen. I don’t want to give up on her but I don’t want me or my family hurt. Any ideas would be greatly appreciated.
Thank you.
We have had her for 2 months

This is the technical help forum, for people having technical issues with the board. You’ll want to post in the Off Course forum.

Are you working with a trainer/instructor? If not, you probably should be.

This is the technical help forum for users with technical problems with the board. You’ll want to repost in Off Course.

It sounds like you need professional help…find a trainer. Preferably one who will take the horse to their property and work with you there on how to handle her. If you post your location, perhaps someone here will have a recommendation.

Will repost in off course forum. We are very new in horse world. I do have a trainer that comes to house. And we are in peculiar mo