I currently ride a 10 year old stock breed paint. He is a bit shy of 17.2 and is very deep bodied for his size. A lot of riders have are afraid to ride him because he will tear up about a foot off the ground if he doesn’t want to go in a certain direction or if there is something on the ground. He still tries it every so often. I started riding him last summer after a western rider rode him for months to stop his rearing. The western riding can have very harsh hands. The rearing problem started when he was first ridden when he was 2-3. The old rider used draw reins on him and pulled his nose nearly to his knees. She is known doing that to many horses. During some rides, he goes behind the vertical and tucks his nose while also bringing his poll downward. He is already really forward and tries to canter when ever I’m on him. He is really forward but very hard on the forehand. If I ask him to lift his shoulders he curls his nose under, sometime with connection sometime without, and then he starts running. I can’t slow him down or ask for anything collected or atleast balanced without him going behind the vertical.
Another problem he has is he can’t stand still. He can only stand for 1-2 seconds bridge dancing around in place. I am supposed to show him next year but I don’t know what to do to stop him from going btv!!
Ps. He tends to go btv more when he is tired. Is there anything I can do to get him stronger, without having him behind the bit and running? If I don’t have contact on the reins and runs and doesn’t listen, If I do he is BTV. If I ask for him to move more uphill he runs and doesn’t sit back on his hind end. And if I try and get him balanced he goes btv.