Horse careers for wheelchair user


which if any careers are good for wheelies? I’m thinking feed consult maybe

what are you good at?

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That is a tough one. Nutritionist possibly, but the feed mill I work in, is NOT wheel chair compatible in the area they program the feed mixes, nor are most stables, so not sure about the actual opportunities there.

Lab tech could be wheel chair friendly, but that isn’t really hands on with the animals, and I am not sure how many positions there are for someone to ONLY work in a lab for animals//horses.

Something in retail? Web design? Reception at a large riding stable or vet clinic? Work a show office (although I doubt that would be full time).

A more part time gig, could be blanket wash/repair.

Well, the same range of indoor and office jobs COTH recommends to high school grads without obvious horse talent :). From there on it depends on where your academic skills lie. Nutrition is going to require a science degree, or you can do accounting if you are good with numbers, or product design. But nothing here is really hands on with horses. And as far as accessibility, most institutions are making some effort but probably are still awkward or difficult to navigate.

There are lots of threads on off course in particular where high school kids are asking about taking an hour interest in horses into a professional or indoor job, so there might be points of interest for you there.