Horse careers outside of husbandry and training?

What are some horse-centric career paths outside of the barn management/ training/ showing paths? Thinking of “non-traditional” horse jobs, like a chiro/ massage business, working in horse feed sales, etc. Something that a person with experience in the horse industry and two degrees in biology would be qualified for. Asking for a friend :thinking:

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I worked/owned a business that specialized in security that sold and installed access control equipment to farms and ranches. Depending upon needs we could design a system that could track pretty much any or everything on the site. Limit and control access in/out of a complex. My clients were Fortune 200 companies and wealthy individuals

A side advantage was the horses we had were owned by my company which used them as advertising platforms which changed the dynamics of how costs were covered.

Farrier work comes to mind . . .

My friend is 100% horse business supported --but in a different sort of way. She does seasonal ranch work --there are websites for such and if you can travel, it can be year-round. In the past she has done the mule rides in the Grand Canyon, handled pack mules for hunting parties, and for two summers worked at a private ranch in WYO keeping the families personal horses ready for last minute trail rides (family comes in on a plane and lands at their ranch’s runway–you get the idea), and working at the cow camps when the family isn’t at the ranch.

Her job at the cow camps involves 4 horses and 8-10 hour days in the saddle. She sorts, ropes, and brands. Word of mouth goes far in the “cowboy” world --she works where ATVs etc can’t be used to herd cattle (too rough) --people who can ride and are willing to rough camp for a week at a time are hard to find. She has her pick of jobs.

But no wi-fi --she and I correspond by hard copy letters —twice a week she gets mail (unless the road washed out)–and of course, no Amazon. When she’s at the main house, she can get wi-fi --but no place but there.


ROAM Starlink could be used these days, back in the old times we provided satellite phones to doctors serving in the Congo


Two degrees in Biology & experience in the horse industry?
Feed Sales, Ingredient Sales, Supplement Sales, and Pharmaceutical Sales.
That’s what most of my bio friends are doing to stay in the horsey realm.

Kathy Serio was recently hiring in FL for a feed rep if you’re in the area!


Hmm… do you know approximately what the earning potential looks like for a sales rep? Not in FL but thank you!!

I think it depends on the company.

However, a good friend and client works for a company that sells product that goes into high end feeds on the equine side. She has a six figure salary + bonus. She also gets to travel a ton for work to cool farms and places. She absolutely loves her job.

When I was looking at going to work for a pharm company specializing on the equine sponsorship side of things, they offered me a starting salary of $70k plus bonuses, paid travel, etc. My old boss was incredibly successful in equine pharma sales. Successful enough to have a few nice horses in training & showing the A/AA circuit.

Again - its all by company and location. So I can’t tell you a real average, but I know that there are affordable livings in the field. However, I also know it can be a lot of travel, high stress, and sometimes commission dependent.


@clanter -my friend is a different sort --she use WWW rarely and social media not at all.

On the other hand she can load a six-shooter at a canter and hit a rattlesnake on the first shot --both of these talents come in much handier than the ability to text where she works If she wanted to call/text/email me, of course she could set up a time in advance when she would be at the main house and we could do that (we actually did at one point when she needed to enter a Mounted Archery tournament and couldn’t (or wouldn’t) go on line to do so. With the deadline fast approaching, I texted her --she called and I entered her from my computer and arranged for her to mail in her deposit.

For the most part, she does not use a computer. She said, when I saw her last Friday, that she might have to start as she wants to take an on-line mule training clinic that requires her to watch demos on-line and then video and upload herself trying to accomplish the lesson.

She’s an interesting person. I admire her for following her heart and taking on all kinds of interesting jobs in the horse world --they all sound fun --until one thinks about sitting on a moving horse, looking for feral cows with calves (cows frequently attack horses/rider if rider is between cow and calf) for 8-10 hours a day --then eating something and sleeping on the ground rolled in a tarp.

The amount of equipment she had to lift and pack on her pack mules when she did pack mules for hunting parties was staggering – meanwhile, keeping a pleasant attitude with what must have been frustrating green horns hunting and camping in the mountains for a week or two at a time.

But she did and does work with horses.


I have a friend that has a similar background that is a drug rep for horse drugs. She does well enough to have a $$ dressage horse and a nice lifestyle.


I have a friend that does:

  • Pulse PEMF
  • Kinesiology taping
  • Activo- Med
  • Infra Power
  • Massage

Just to name a few of her services. She focuses on wellness for the equestrian athlete.

Her husband reps feed.

They are located in Ocala, and both have a long history in the horse world. She used to be a dressage rider/trainer and he plays polo.


prolly a product rep for a feed company or pharma company would be the best fit. We are hip deep in body workers of widely varying competency in my area at least. Lot’s of work for farriers/trimmers here (I am turning down clients) but that’s hard on the body and has no security - you get hurt you don’t get paid.

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I would be extremely interested in something like this. I am fascinated with biomechanics and everything that goes into maintaining equine athletes. But I have no idea what the process looks like for getting started.

This strikes me as something that’s several steps above a body worker in terms of legitimacy?

in freezing rain kind puts a damper on the fun, we have done a distance competitive trail ride that became notorious for inclement weather. For the most part the horses were game but really did not enjoy being pelted with ice, they did look longingly at the protection of the cedar groves.

as for sleeping in the wild on the ground I did that in Asia and will not do that again (can claim PTS flash backs on that)

Your friend sounds like a person who missed their century who would have fared very well in the 19th. without any problem what’s so ever

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sent you a PM…never mind I cant

I just messaged you, let me know if it works

I am a writer who writes about horses and your friend sounds like she’s worthy of an article (or book)!


Definitely!! I know she keeps journals about her adventures. If u want to PM ur contact info I will pass it along. However: if ur book and her life are made into a movie, I want Maggie Smith to be the actress who plays the part of me!


Since MT/chiro requires enough travel to have enough clients to make it a viable business, that’s something to consider. And, a given state may required a chiro to also be a DVM

What level of degrees in biology do you have? And MS, and then with appropriate study in livestock nutrition with an emphasis on horses, can get you into the nutritionist department, and especially if you want a PhD in that area of study. LOTS of nutritionist work can be done virtually, and you can work locally as well, hold seminars at barns to attract more clients, etc.

You could certainly try to get in with a feed company and do feed sales, if you don’t mind the travel of a general region

These suggestions seem to be mostly sales. Are any companies doing something like research, that might use OP’s degrees?

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there are some excellent nutritionists with “only” MSc degrees, who have invested in some credible nutrition training. You can also work towards a PAS certification which would be a credible step towards working with a feed company

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