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Horse continually losing shoes

nothing to do with horses but my older daughter kept forgetting to put her shoes on when going to school. She would get into the car barefooted then as we got to the school "oh daddy I forgot my shoes… OK once, then twice but third time I just told her she could remain barefooted at school that day

Just happened that day they had a visiting missionary come to talk about how kids in very poor areas have no shoes. Every one looked at my daughter at that point … well she never ever has forgotten her shoes since


Thx again everyone! Horse is getting a full reset today, so will play around with some of what’s been mentioned. @PNWjumper, those Shoe Secures look super interesting if the problem persists, thanks for that. And @clanter, that visual definitely made me laugh!!

well to this day she has never ever forgotten to put shoes on and has taught her kids the importance of shoes LOL

I was told the missionary’s reason that day was to highlight the need for children’s shoes for the missionaries to distribute…and when he said “No one here is without shoes” several of the students interrupted to say Sara has no shoes… it was a one of those types of days in raising four kids that is memorialized

And come to think of it none of our horses had an issue with their shoes either