What functionality would you like to see from online horse databases? Which ones do you like? Not like? Why? I would also like to know if you feel their information is accurate. Doing research for my presentation in Denver for the NIAA on Horse ID. Thanks for the feedback!
what amount of tractability are they looking for? it appears to absolute.
the original ID act would have had me recording and reporting anytime our horses left our property… including walking over to the lease ground next door as they left my property… and unreported activity was subject to fines
ok seems I broke the thread…
What I see are differing levels … it appears your organization is coming from the competition level where there is interstate transport more so than intrastate movement
You might focus on the interstate movement and set a single type of chip as the standard for ID
When I worked for FEMA we were dealing with multiple chips which required several different chip readers … that was ten years ago, so I do not know if there is a universal reader/chip format … but if you are looking for standard for identification it must be simple to use, inexpensive to implement
Back in the older days of Coggins the paper work just had a description of the horse and people would attempt to use false paperwork --gee when did you do the sex change operation on this mare that is supposed to be gelding?-- with chips, the ID could be positive (at least to verify the chip’s code number)
I have worked in with RFID chips since the early days (1980s when the primary use was for scaling hogs for daily weight gain) … just a note chips can be duplicated if a person has the encoding equipment
but most other countries such as New Zealand track livestock used in the food chain