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Horse eats joint head grass

Horses aren’t supposed to eat joint head grass. My mare eats the small shoots and seed heads.
I just discovered that she eats the seed heads because the tractor was in the shop over the two weeks the joint head went to seed. She bites the tops off.
She has plenty of grass and hay, so it’s due to preference not to starvation.
I can’t find anything that talks about any risks although I prefer she not eat seed heads.
Has anyone else seen their horse eat it?

This isn’t a species I’m familiar with but basically horses will browse on almost anything.

Nothing really available. I think I have seen the grass before, as it looks odd, but know nothing else about it.
Well, I just learned I should have ripped it out.As it is an invasive immigrant

I guess nobody told her. My horses eat whatever they feel like even if it is supposed to be mostly inedible or desirable as food.

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