Sometimes hocks can be a red-herring, including positive flexions. I’m not saying rule it out completely (since she has changes) but I wondered after going back and re-watching the video on desktop, if there’s some low grade foot soreness at play. I see it occasionally on the RF too - so I’m glad you’re putting shoes back on her, I really hope that resolves the issue.
Twice now I’ve had a horse flex to hocks when it was clinically something else. The first time it was NPA behind - the second time, it was Lyme. I was actually resigning myself to injecting the hocks on this horse as he was 14, but my vet said hold up, let’s see if he flexes after 2 months of doxy. He didn’t.
Sounds like you ruled out lyme though. I agree with Simkie, absent positive response to arthramid and steroids, it might be something else. $140 is ballpark an exam fee, so it might be worth trying the Ponazuril to see if it makes a difference. I have seen horses with low EPM titers respond well. In the world of horses where they bleed you of money, in nebulous cases like this I’m not against revisiting items on the docket that had questionable results like low titers.
I don’t think it’s a weakness/strength issue either. I’m with you there. I wouldn’t stop working her and would keep doing as you’re doing. I know that seems unkind, but you want a good baseline if you do end up going to Perdue. She’s frankly sounder in these videos than most ridden horses I see.