You’re doing well for this stage of her training. You will both be FINE!
Be careful with your down transitions though. She is hollowing her back and crashing down rather than maintaining balance through the down transitions. Take your time with the down transitions and don’t be afraid to abort them. Crappy down transitions can very quickly become a bad habit for both rider and horse. The longer they occur, the harder they are to fix.
So, preparing for a down transition at this stage, the leg increases a little as you really concentrate on maintaining your position and slowing your posting down. Concentrate on every step. If you feel even one step of hollowing, abort the transition by riding forward again in the trot to re-establish better balance and then try again. Repeat until you get a decent transition. If it takes a dozen times, it takes a dozen times. Break that habit and teach her that a transition is just a transition and not a slouch into a walk break by the easiest means possible.
Never, ever throw away a transition.