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Horse Haulers from Hell "Wellington Equine Express"

Tough call…allow the horse to travel, or not.

Hopefully the OP has contacted the DOT and Federal Highway Safety Authority (licensors) to file a complaint.
The company doesn’t seem to have a website, but this is their DOT number: 2526833, and here’s their DOT file.

There must be more that can be done than just name the company on this forum.

And another unsatisfied customer…


[QUOTE=Gayle in Oregon;7777585]
I just hope that others who have stories to share (often they just say something happened to a ‘friend’ you may note), are not discouraged from sharing due to fear of ‘harsh’ and hard hearted comments and yes mean, poorly timed criticism. It stifles all and especially the meek ones from telling such stories. So, for those who feel they have to criticize and show your ‘superior’ ‘alfa’ intellect and practices, think of the long haul and how you may be scaring people from honestly sharing difficult but educational stories on this, what can be, helpful forum. You can win the battle and lose the war.[/QUOTE]

Sorry I tried to explain to you that for sure no one was bashing you and that even though you are having a thin skin a lot of others may not have and learn from those posts that you call harsh, unfriendly, unhelpful etc.

I now can only be harsh: what did you expect ?! that everyone gives you a pad on your back and tel you thank you thank you thank you and that no one expresses his/her opinion to your story and the decision that you took ?! If that is the case I feel sorry for you for not having the aility to not being able to forsee this and take it lightly and form taking any negative aspect personally.
It may have even to do with that you feel already bad and now may even feel worse upon your decision. (I can also understand that). But this is neither an issue of this forum, nor the problem of others beeing week and not write. Again thanks for outing a bad experience with a certain company.
Sorry for these now really harsh words.

And another unsatisfied customer…

This customer got similar ‘bait and switch’ treatment plus a lot of excuses blaming the horses. Same for me. I spent an hour on the phone with the owner who is KJ (he would not tell me his last name) complaining and arguing after the haul and I demanded $$$ refund to my client. He took no responsibility for his poor rig and untrained haulers. Did admit he just formed this ‘company’ in July 2014 which of course he knows is public record and I already had that. He is not answer my questions about the experience of his haulers just saying “they are not horse trainers” and my 5.5 months old colt suffered from “separation anxiety” to which I said 20 times, “Yes he was not supposed to hauled alone EVER and I had made that overly abundantly, repeatedly clear to Dawn weeks in advance and the drivers on the spot”. In fact I went over the route with Dawn an which horses were being picked up and unloaded where I the original 7 horse slant with KJ “the horse whisperer/trainer” as driver. I also called USDOT and got no help. So far, I think word of mouth is the best. I wish there was a topic heading for hauler experiences. I have had good to wonderful experiences in 30 years till this one. And I am sure these guys are not the only ‘schlocky’ ones out there with a sweet talking “Dawn” fronting for them.

The couple times I have gone on US SHIP and got bids for shipping I was very skeptical of many of the bidders. They usually refused to send photos of their rig and were reluctant to answer specific questions. They just wanted the job of hauling. Thus, I have NEVER used this method to book shipping for a horse or foal.

Instead I’ve always gone with REPUTABLE, well know, experienced shippers who came highly recommended and who regularly haul high dollar horses.
I’d rather pay the extra money for a safe trip and a healthy horse on arrival than penny pinch on such an important decision. I’ve seen and heard of the many horror stories in shipping horses.

Again I’ll repeat, in the interest of the horse/foal and when YOU are the only ADVOCATE for the horse/foal, it’s up to YOU to do the RIGHT thing. Screw the buyer, Screw the rinky dink hauler, just get a good shipper to handle it.

I assume this guy is the owner - Kenneth Koch:



I appreciate your outing this company and also bringing to light the practice of farming out hauling via bids.

That said, I do not believe that you have been criticized or treated harshly. Posters have shared their own experiences when faced with substandard transports. There is nothing wrong with that. No one is calling you names. They might have done things differently, but I do not see anyone judging your actions.

This conversation could be so much more beneficial if it were to open up discussion of ways to deal with the problem that you brought up. Perhaps shipping arrangements need to be part of sales contracts. That might complicate sales and people would need to weigh whether they want to add that level of complication to a sales. But, it bears thinking about.

[QUOTE=Gayle in Oregon;7778007]
I also called USDOT and got no help. [/QUOTE]

Meaning what ?

Their “File a Complaint” page is easily found.
A complaint can be filed online.

Here’s the page: http://nccdb.fmcsa.dot.gov/

2651 Views of this thread from sport horse breeders…I like it. Maybe they will become “Wellington Hog and Sheep Express”.:smiley:

I like that idea.

I used Wellington Express back in August to transport my blind horse from Bedford, NY to N. CA. I have nothing but good things to say about their company and the people that work there. Spoke to Dawn many times and she was very understanding with my feelings. This was very hard for me to do send my horse that I rescued across country to a sanctuary. KJ was/is all about the good of the horse, the sanctuary was also very impressed it was horses first if it takes a little longer to get there so be it. He sent pictures and we were in touch. He handled her very gently. I definitely would use them again actually they are the only transport I would use. Remember there are 3 sides to a story his, hers and the truth. And to bash a company isn’t very classy. I have nothing but wonderful things to say about Wellington Express and if you need further information I as a concerned customer would be happy to speak to you. 203-324-7081 CT. Lori

I always wonder how these folks find out about the threads - by that I mean, the brand new posters supportive of a thread which bashes a company? I’m glad Lori V had a good experience, and its a thoughtful, well written post without bad spelling, which is a plus, in these things, but its just a curious thing. I wonder if Lori would mind if I asked her if she’s a regular poster here and how did she find the thread? Just always curious.

Anyway, still glad Lori had a good experience and her poor blind horse is safe and in a great place.

3,084 View now!!! Maybe now it will be “Wellington Done Express”.

[QUOTE=Gayle in Oregon;7780597]
3,084 View now!!! Maybe now it will be “Wellington Done Express”.[/QUOTE]

They’ll just change their name.

[QUOTE=back in the saddle;7780649]
They’ll just change their name.[/QUOTE]

Oh Pooooeeeee. I don’t think it will be that easy. He marketed his company based on his name as a 'Horse Whisperer" trainer…but you may be right. Today people can put anything on a web site or facebook for that matter. My new policy is the hauler has to send me a pic of the actual rig that is coming, and in fact all their rigs in case they do the old switcheroo at the last minute. But for sure 24 hours in advance the actual rig AND the names and bios of all the drivers. No pics and bios, not come to my place. Then I wont have my back so close to the wall. Plus if they know they have to identify themselves like that, they wont dare send a crap rig and drivers. I have had competitive bidders haul for me that were great people with very good equipment by the way. But, I have also used the big companies with long histories. I never even imagined anything as bad as this. Rember I did not hire these people. But now that I have ‘come out’ with this story I have heard even WAY WAY Worse. Don’t read further unless you are tough as nails. A a whole shipment died in a fire inside a commercial rig full of lamas and colts. It started in the straw that spread to the floor and other parts. It was caused by the drivers ash from his cigarette blowing out his window and he drove on for miles not even knowing till a cop saw it and chased him down. I would have never imagined such a horror and I don’t even like to tell it but ignorance, though blissful can and does come back to bite HARD sometimes. Caveat Emptor.

oh, that is sooo sad about the llamas and colts. :frowning: I can see how that could happen to any open trailer w/ a driver or passenger who smokes and tosses their butts out the window.

Not sure what the purpose was of telling that story about the fire in the trailer. :frowning:

Not sure what the purpose was of telling that story about the fire in the trailer. :([/QUOTE]

Me either and I hesitated to tell that story. Except to realize how important it is to get good people, non smokers and not send horses off in stock trailers that would make this fire scenario easier to happen. Avoid straw bedding and other flammable material. Always have a big good fire extinguisher very handy and make sure the haulers do too. I think its a fair question to ask a hauler to describe their emergency and safety training, equipment, first aid for the horses, too. I feel like I am on a crusade to clean up the animal hauling business like MADD did with drunk driving.

All you get from USDOT is accident records. I don’t think injury to the animals is a concern and that is what insurance is for but I will report this to them anyway. But, usually, the best way to get better work/product is for the consumer to demand it.

Anyone with an issue with any business can file a complaint with the BBB. There’s also Angie’s List for those who are members.


Found this in a Google search. Apparently he’s here. Probably following the thread.

I just sent [him] a PM. I informed him that I am informing all of my clients of his misconduct. Feel free to do the same.