Horse in ICU after Vetera 3 Way Serial Number 3530057B

Jingles for your horse. Very scary and I’m so sorry. :pray::pray:

Years ago my vet gave my Connemara the then “new” equine specific rabies vax. The mare was always fine with vax.

About 3 hours later I found her laying flat out and unwilling/unable to move. Doc returned. I don’t recall any of her vitals but she responded positively to banamine and whatever else Doc gave her.

The company paid for the emergency call in full and I believe the vax was pulled off the market within a year.


@Sfbayequine, so sorry for you and your mare. Lots of jingles from the other coast.


I have nothing medical to add Here but I wanted to tell you how sorry I am that you both are suffering through this and that I hope she improves


No real updates. Heading to UCD to talk through ultrasound findings in person. The vet asked us to come in vs. talking on the phone. That didn’t seem great.

Thanks for all your support. I did call this into the manufacturer. We will see what happens.

I will update later.


Jingles for you and your horse!!

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Jingles and prayers for you. I’m glad you had a good veterinary hospital to take her to.

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Really hoping for the best for you and your horse. Sending jingles!

I don’t know what it was this year, but my horse had the most severe and prolonged reaction he’s ever had to vaccines this past week. Another at the barn did too. Fortunately they’ve been managed at home so far, but it’s making me really rethink how, who, and when I’m vaccinating.


Sending many jingles to you and your mare. I hope she pulls through.


@CanteringCarrot do you remember what brand of vaccine? Some horses just react badly, to very badly, to the adjuvant used by a given manufacturer. I hope you/your vet reported the issues to them, and am glad to see your/those horses are doing ok now


I looked into this for my guy, and the short answer is no. They can, however, there are no defined ranges of what constitutes “covered”. In a big nutshell. I believe they are doing it more for dog vaccines so maybe the equine world will catch up.

I’ve been told it’s also quite costly and if you show (which I really don’t), it could be problematic if vaccines are required.

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I have titers done on mine every year. It’s not perfect, like you said the range is not that defined but my vets are OK with it considering how reactive my minis are (really reactive and worse each time). In fact they are getting them pulled tomorrow.

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Oh that’s good!! I dread vaccine time; after zero luck with single vaccines, we’ve got it down to the Core and intranasal flu/rhino doesn’t bother him currently.

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I’m so sorry. Mine reacts badly to rhino/flu but I’ve never seen an EWT reaction. Jingles for your mare, she’s in great hands. :heart: