Horse in ICU after Vetera 3 Way Serial Number 3530057B

On Friday, I had UC Davis come out to give fall shots and do a check-up. My mare, who is generally mildly vaccine-reactive, got her shot with IV banamine.

Saturday, she was fine in the morning but, by 2 p.m., had a fever of 102 and a 54 resting respiration rate. I called UCD—cold hose and Banamine. The respiration went down immediately, and the fever followed down to 99F.

9:30 pm - horse in full colic. Treated at home with field services.
2:30 am - horse in ICU

We pulled creatinine before the vaccine administration, and it was normal on Friday. I spoke to the hospital this morning and her creatinine levels have continue to rise since admission and her liver is involved.

So high creatinine, heamatacit at 60, down from 77 and normal is 30.

I have a very, very sick horse.

Has anyone ever seen a vaccine reaction this severe? This horse has no metabolic issues. She was eating and drinking, serviceably sound and happy, and she had never colicked a day in her 18-year-old life. She has never had a blood test out of whack.

I think I’m going to lose her. We are doing a big ultrasound with the UCD ultrasound service to check the kidney and liver. If it blew out her kidneys, well, you know.

I’m feel like I’m crazy, but do you think the vaccine could have blown out her liver and kidneys? No one has ever seen anything like this at UCD. It’s not good when they are stumped.


I met someone this weekend whose horse had such a terrible reaction to vaccines last year that the skin sloughed off his leg. It was the craziest thing. He was incredibly sick. he’s now totally fine.


What breed is your horse? Is IMM a possibility?


She’s a paint, so always a possibility. However, there is no loss of topline, muscle wasting, etc. She was not given a strangles vaccine which is what would typically kick that off. It’s never been a discussion in the 12 years I have had her. She lives at home, so no exposure to other horses, show environments, etc.


I figured Davis would be on top of something like that, but it was the first thing that popped into my head.

Lots of jingles coming your way and hers. ((hugs))

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Thanks. I’m terrified. I called in an adverse report to the company.


I have no advice, just some massive jingles for you and your mare.


Adding more Jingles!!


Jingling hard for your girl!


Ugh, Im so sorry. My gelding reacts to pretty much everything, but only by way of high fevers (104-105) to date if I don’t stay on top of banamine for about 3 full days.

Big jingles!!!

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Sending your dear horse so many jingles !!! I’m
So sorry you’re going through this. My heart goes out to you both.

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Sending best wishes for your horse and a big thank you for posting the name and serial number. Please implore Davis to contact the manufacturer and pull the lot pending further investigation.


Jingles for your mare ~ she’s right where she needs to be during this horrible situation ~ ((hugs)) laced with strength for her owner ~.


I am SO sorry to see this. Prayers and jingles she comes out of this like nothing happened. How very strange! I hope Vetera will help cover your expenses, that’s often what happens when something major like this results. Poor mare :frowning: Hang in there!


Sending healing vibes from Colorado.


Sending jingles. I have a minis who have had pretty bad vax reactions but nothing like your mare. One had high temps and colic and I suspect the start of lami with the 3 way and later with the Rabies Vax. He was pre-treated with Banamine before and for the duration of the reaction which lasted 3-4 days.


Jingling madly!


Sending you supportive ((( hugs ))) and lots of jingles for your mare. I’m so sorry!


Wishing the very best for your mare @Sfbayequine, that sounds very scary.

My gelding always has a 3-4 day reaction to his spring vaccines, and I’m always worried it will turn into something more severe like this. Typically he gets a fever, and can’t stretch down to graze for many days so we have to create fluffed hay piles for him to eat. My vet prescribed banamine this time around but it didn’t seem to help much (dose with vaccine, and then 1x/day for 4 days after). She said next time around we can try injecting his butt vs. neck, or spreading out each vaccine over 3 days. His reactions seem to be a bit worse each time, so it is pretty concerning.

Do equine vets ever run titers to see if horses actually need their annual vaccines? I remember with my dog there were several vaccines we were able to skip because he still had an appropriate antibodies. That might help reduce risk for these horses who seem extra sensitive.


My vet offered to do it for rabies specifically if we found that one to be the problem. I do not give the vetera five way after my mare could barely walk and had a pretty bad fever for a few days. I now do one at a time, about a week apart, even though it’s annoying to go get each one.