Horse jobs that aren't physically demanding?

Yeah, I know, everyone is looking at that subject line and going… WHAT?

But I’m not talking about jobs at the level of groom or trainer or what have you, but just something involved somewhere with an equestrian industry.

My situation is that, due to my psoriatic arthritis, until they come up with a Miracle Cure that will actually not only make it stop getting worse, but allow the joints to get BETTER, there’s no way I could make a living doing all of the physical stuff that’s involved in horse care day-in day-out. (I could probably manage for one or two of my own horses, but a whole stable of 'em? My back would pack up and leave for vacation without me.)

I’m going into my senior year of college as an adult student (I took ten years off to get married and work as a personal care provider/manager - long story) in film, and what I really enjoy is production. Making things happen on a practical level, problem solving when you have time constraints, that sort of thing.

It occurs to me that viewed from a certain perspective, pretty much all equestrian events - shows, race meets, etc. - are similar to a film production in that there are a lot of logistics to organize and people to manage and a fixed time frame - it’s just that you’re not working from a script and arranging for tons of camera equipment all around the place, but instead worrying about stalls and if there’s enough bedding on order and what happens if there’s a problem with the water supply. (Or whatever.)

So to that end, I find myself wondering if maybe there’s some element of the equestrian industry I should be considering, and if so, if there are any classes I should be sure to take, or a graduate degree that would be helpful, or… whatever. It might be nice to work in an industry where there’s a lot of exposure to horses all the time and I can kind of combine what I’m good at (production) with what I love (horses.)

Any ideas? (My first thought is obviously to volunteer a lot at events, but unfortunately I don’t seem to live in an area right now where there’s a lot going on competitively, and I can’t exactly move until I’ve finished senior year at least.)

I think you’re on the right track… my first thought was horse show management. In our area there is also a large public facility that has several trainers that reside there. They have office staff that manage the facility (it also hosts horse shows almost every weekend). I think you’re best bet is to find places like that and see if they need an intern, or just ask to do an informational interview (even over the phone) to find out what the job is like and what’s required.

Good Luck!

It sounds like you really know your strengths and niche, but for others, it’s key to remember that the equestrian industry is a business and thus needs accountants and other bookkeeping and numbers people to keep it going!

I do small business accounting for a relative, and am considering going back for whatever academic level that would get me certified, and specialize in equestrian industry work.

Definitely not physically demanding, and usually air conditioned! :slight_smile:

You could also look into different Breed or Discipline Associations and see about a job from inside - whether it be writing newsletters, planning events, doing PR and Marketing, etc etc.

Just guessing, I don’t really know, I would say taking business management classes, along with accounting and such, would get you the kind of office jobs that would keep you from needing to do physical work and may still fit in the horse industry.

How about asking insurance companies what they like to see in those that apply to them?

I think that Markel has starting positions and so probably someone in human management that could give you some ideas:

Why not ask them?
They are involved with the horse industry.

What about pharmaceutical rep for animal medications?