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Horse scores a 5 in dressage

Boyd Martin just took a horse BN so I don’t have issues with a pro showing a green horse in the appropriate level and division.



Did he go HC?

Why would he need to?


Once upon a time it was considered good manners.

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He showed in the Open division. Why does that mean he has bad manners?


Like I said, once upon a time it was considered riding etiquette for a pro riding in the lower levels to go HC because said pro would obviously win against the competitors in that division.


He came in second…

edited to add he also came in 14 in the same division on a different horse, and also had a horse in Training.


Who beat him?

They often don’t win though. More importantly, it’s not just about the rider. The lower levels exist for inexperienced riders AND horses to gain experience. Riding HC means nothing goes on the horse’s record either, which can impact the value of a potential sales horse and deprive a future buyer of valuable information about its record.


Ah, cherchez le $.

In a division full of pros, made for pros, in a location known for pros, why does THIS pro have to show HC? It’s the OPEN division. It’s there for a reason.


If and when they offer a Horse division, that’s generally where more experienced riders/pros put their horses – since they are clearly green! Unfortunately, it requires a certain number of entries in order to divide it up that way so it’s rarely offered.


Who won?

Top 3 of this division

(also note, 3rd finished on same score. Optium time was 5:54, so room for 3rd and 2nd to have swapped, I bet neither was going for the “win” by playing closest to optium.)

Also in 11th in same division


there was also a BNR division offered.

If Boyd was riding a 5 star horse in BN, that is when he should be going HC. But riding a green TB in its first show (11th placed horse - you can see his training on his FB page, he has been documenting. I am not sure on history on 2nd placed horse), why should he have to go HC???


I couldn’t care less whether he was going HC or won or not, but we’ve all noticed he was riding a horse out of a 5* winner, right? I’m so excited to watch the baby Cues develop.


I didn’t!!! Thanks for pointing that out! I just went searching for the results to tie back to this thread.

So exciting!

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