Horse show jackets that are not super short

Are these available new? Like covers most of you behind and lightly touches the cantle when you are in the saddle? I have a shortish trunk and shortish arms, but I just looked at pictures of new coats at my local tack shop on line and was shocked…

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Office wear suit jackets for women have been stupid short for a number of years. Equestrian wear follows fashion with a lag. This year I am seeing longer suit jackets for sale finally. Maybe equestrian wear will catch up.

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With all the interest in older fashions (rust breeches, for example), I am hoping that longer jackets come back! I love the way-older style: single vent, length touches your thumb. These are so pretty: drape around your butt and cover those ahem-thighs up :). I know - fat chance of this one succeeding, but I just wanted to try. To see what I am talking about, look at photos from the 60s.


Well, I may just wear my hand me down Pytchley from 1986 and call it a day! It fits great as far as I am concerned…It was my mom’s


I bought some office suits this year and the jackets were long–and extremely boxy! I think they realize the pandemic was not kind…

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I’d shop in the tall section (or the coats known to be good for tall people) and then get the sleeves altered. It’s very easy to get that done.

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Some brands have specific tall/long sizes, like Tuffrider and Pikeur Olena style. Not sure lhow formal the shows are, but generally dressage jackets run longer. Of course they are single vented but if you were just doing schooling shows, who cares?

Seems like hunter styles swing more than dressage, because your dream coat is what I mentally conjure when I’m shopping for dressage coats. I think that everyone should shop for what is: a. Comfortable b. Flattering c. Tasteful/appropriate and only care about being absolutely trend-aware if a-c are satisfied. Then again, I am not an instagram-savvy teen so what do I know :joy_cat:

I have a traditionally cut RJ Classics in long with decent coverage.

Having reached the age where comfort > style, I recently bought an AA Pt mesh coat, not available in long.


I just got a Samshield show coat ( that is definitely more of the style you’re looking for than I expected. I’ve had so many slim fit down to a shorter bottom coats for so long that it kind of threw me! I ordered it online without trying it. Super pretty color, though (Ocean Depth)!

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Some RJ Classics styles come in Long, and it helps. Doesn’t add a lot, but does make a difference.

OK how… loud is that color? Like would it pass in the hunter ring or no way Jose?

I’ve been eyeing it for awhile.

And I will second that the Samshield alix coats are a great length.

I’ve also had good luck with Winston show coats and RJ Classics—usually I’ll just get a long if I need a little extra on the tails.

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Those short coats are SOOOOOOO ugly. I’ve felt that way since they showed up. I’m glad to hear they are leaving. I never got one… my current coat isn’t like that. “Current” meaning I got it about 12 years ago, for “cheap”… probably because it was not short. Also because it is brown. ROTFLMAO. Have never been much of a follower of fashion. Fortunately I ride mostly in the jumper division over the years, but hey, I’d use it in the hunters too, because I’m that sorta girl. More of a trend setter than a trend follower.

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There is a classic Winston show coat that comes in dark blue and a beautiful dark green. Very traditional look.

It is probably not hunter appropriate color-wise. It is a pretty bright teal. I love it in the jumper ring, though!


Beautiful jacket! Beautiful automatic release!

Google frock style equestrian jackets.

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