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Horse Show Lease Price?

What is the going rate for a weekly 1.10-1.20m jumper lease at places like WEF, Tryon, or WEC? What was your experience doing a weekly lease at a show? I’m just curious since I would really like to do this.

The variables in my experience include:

  1. Is the horse already on-site and you are just moving it to your stall or are you going to have to ship it in and out
  2. Do the trainers know, like, and respect each other.
  3. Does the horse’s owner/trainer know you?
  4. Is this show going to be on the horse’s USEF record? Are you likely to perform well and pin the horse?
  5. Are you planning on sharing any winnings with the owner?
  6. Have you had previous experience with the horse or trainer?

All of these variables will add or subtract cost. I have heard prices for 1.20 horse on show lease ranging from free to $2,000/week.

Well a ‘free lease’, just to cover expenses for a week at a large AA show venue such as WEF, Thermal, ect can range from $2,500-$3,500+ a week. So, covering those expenses would be the base of a weekly lease price.

Add 50-100% more for a proven winner.