Horse stepping wide with left hind

I’m writing to see if anyone has any experience with this.

Walk leg yielding to the left my horse is stepping wide with the left hind (looks like it’s swinging out instead of reaching forward). Leg yielding to the right and he looks like he’s on a tight rope (both feet land in a line under himself).

Wondering if this is a stifle issue or an SI issue or something else.
At last vet analysis about 2 months ago, he flexed sound on all joints including stifles. He’s not lame but we are having some issues with bending in lateral work. My trainer never noticed this before but also never really looked.

Any insights appreciated.

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when that happened to my guy, he’d torn his flexor tendon sheath. He wasn’t lame, no hip bob at all, just the wide swing

Any heat or swelling? Mine had both, which got a little better after a few days (my general rule is 3 days of watching/treating unless it’s serious), but wasn’t getting better after that.

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I would also wonder about general tightness through the hamstring area. If those muscles are tight, it’s easier to swing wide instead of forward.

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No heat or swelling. Gets regular acupuncture. Last session a week ago. I do notice a difference in general way of going after treatments but we weren’t looking specifically at this issue.

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How does he move on a circle? Pronounced circumduction can be a neuro issue or something up high like SI. But if the leg is swinging out because the other hind is too far midline, it’s often the leg the horse is bringing to the midline that is the sore one. And you notice the other leg swinging out because it’s trying to get out of the way of the sore leg.

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I would suggest neurological exam - the swing and the stiffness to one side may be neurological changes due to spinal issues or cervical arthritis.