Horse sticks tongue out-can I show in hunters?

Hi, I have a lovely horse that I would like to show locally in the hunters. His only flaw is that due to being tongue tied at the race track he likes to stick his tongue out especially when nervous or excited. It seems to be his way of self soothing. I remember showing in the 90s as a child and there were local hunter trainers who had horses off the track that would do this and they were still quite successful. I have been out of the show scene for a while now, and I am wondering if he will be over looked due to this in the green and thoroughbred hunters now. Any advice or judges opinions? I am only looking to do the local level, ā€œcā€ type shows. Thanks in advance!

That is one of those things that would really come down to the personal opinion of each individual judge.

But I would say especially at the local level, if the horse does everything else right, sticking the tongue out would probably be a tiebreaker, not a dealbreaker.

And welcome to the BB. :slight_smile:


Mostly agree with MHM, itā€™s not the end of the world, and different judges might handle it differently. It could be interpreted as a form of resistance.

However, speaking as someone who works with a fair number of TBs, there are a lot of things you can try to alleviate the problem and discourage the tongue sticking out. Personally, I would experiment with a number of different bits. As the horse gets additional mileage, the tongue issue may get better on its own, but I would still be proactive about testing some different bits.


As someone who shows a fair amount on the ā€˜localā€™ circuit (Outreach and local association shows --so some at big venues), I agree that the judge will either think itā€™s not a big deal and place you with that not as a factor, or they might very much feel it is a fault and ding you accordingly. All things considered, if you horse has all the other hunter pluses (quiet, makes the step, has changes, cute jump and you are an effective rider), it shouldnā€™t be a deal breaker. Go show and find out how he fares! Thatā€™s the only real way to test it out.


I still remember a successful local hunter back in the mid-to-late-80ā€™s. He cantered around with his tongue flapping pretty much all of the time. Cool horse though, and consistently one of the top placers.


A friend has a lovely OTTB, has the step and changes. Heā€™s in his mid-teens and his tongue has hung out ever since she got him about 4 years ago. Sometimes he gets dinged for the tongue and not others, but the last couple years heā€™s getting knocked for it more often. I know itā€™s frustrating because itā€™s not due to her riding. He will hang his tongue out just going for a hack around the farm!


I just came back from a clinic on judging Hunter/eq ring with a really really top level judge! She told me she doesnā€™t care about the tongue lol ā€œif it jumps great, it jumps great! You gotta remember, itā€™s a jumping competition!ā€

lol Iā€™m not really very experienced in hunter world but thatā€™s what she told me


Learn how to tie a discreet tongue tie.
Snug noseband.
You can tie it before you go in the ring.

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Try a little peanut butter right before going in the ring. His tongue will be busy IN his mouth.
Definitely try at home first !


Letā€™s not perpetuate things that make horses uncomfortable. :roll_eyes:


We had an OTTB that was very successful in the AA hunters on the A circuit. He got a little syringe of peanut butter before going in the ring :joy: worked for him, he showed on the A circuit until 19 doing thatā€¦

Good luck!


I leased a lovely made hunter who always cantered around with his tongue a flappingā€™. He was very successful because he was a metronome with a perfect change and an effortless jump. He won every over fences class. The tongue seemed to be hit and miss in the hack.


Ditto, worked for us as well.

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What a cute, flashy fellow!


He was an amazing teacher. I was his step down from a really impressive long career. In those pics he was 24 or 25!