Horse trailer brands

Hey Y’all,

I am looking for a new trailer. My old one is on its last legs-to the point that the trailer guy said well, he could fix it but it would be too expensive to be worth it-and he didn’t have one to sell me either. Anyway, I have a 16h TB but I’m looking for another horse. One I’m considering is 16.3. So I’ve been trying to find a 7.6 tall trailer to small avail.

I really don’t drive all over everywhere all the time, but of course when I do I want a good, safe trailer.
Have y’all heard of a Titan or a Horton? Those are two I’ve messaged about.

Of course I do not doubt that after killing myself looking for a 7.6 trailer the deal with the 16.3 horse will fall though and I’ll either get a pony or nothing at all.

All help appreciated!



None finer than an XT/XW model from the folks at EquiSpirit. Tom & Neva Scheve have been in the horse trailer safety business forever, originally designing for Trail-ete & Hawk. They are the authors of the “Trailer Bible” (The Complete Guide to Buying, Maintaining, and Servicing a Horse Trailer),.

I have an EquiBreeze and LOVE IT It fit my late 17.3 full Percheron with room to spare.


I agree with ChocoMare that EquiSpirit seems to be among the best for safety, in terms of design and construction.

But what area are you in? Near the mid-Atlantic US, the Adam trailers are quite popular - solid designs and good construction (I have one and have no complaints!). I believe they are built in Virginia so are quite common new and used around here. If you find one for sale where you are definitely take a look!


Agree with @ChocoMare --buy the book, then look at trailers.


I chime in on Equi-Spirit. The one a horse would pick.

Also look at Hawk. It’s almost the same trailer, they may still be coming off the same production line, they are/were associated in some way. It is a less well-known brand with very similar build and features, and less expensive than Equi-Spirit.


I bought a new 4 Star this spring; two horse slant step up with a dressing room. I’ve been quite happy with it; well built, well designed, and hauls nicely.

Pony seems to like having the partition secured back and having the whole space to get comfortable in.


Hawk builds the Equispirit. I have a 2006.


Agree that you can’t do better than EquiSpirit. Definitely also read The Book.

Hawk was building the EquiSpirit in 2006, that isn’t true today.


Hawk, Equispirit, potentially Trail-Et if you can find one in good shape (I believe they stopped making them a while ago so they’re all older now) would be my top choices for standard American trailers (my other personal opinions would be: straight load, absolutely no managers, ramp, white or light grey exterior and interior, 7’6 height no matter if you get the 16.3 horse or not).

Balanced Ride (also made by Hawk) are wonderfully made reverse load trailers.

I’ll also throw the European trailers into the ring because I do really love them. They pull so much better, give the horses a smoother ride, give you variety/ flexibility in tow vehicle (comes in handy in an emergency), easier to maintain, easier to maneuver. I’m on Brenderup #2 but Bockmann and EquiTrek would be great options as well. Fautras looks nice as well but I can’t do a step up with one of my horses.


I have a very customized one on order, due to be complete in a couple weeks. I cannot contain the excitement.


I will chime in for Hawk. Mine is an '06 and still going strong.
Hawk manufactured the Equispirits for some time. Then stopped because Equispirit wanted to compromise on quality and Hawk said no we won’t do that.
But I think I heard they started building them again for Equispirit.


I ordered the book! As a Kindle because that’s my husband’s preferred method. He is excited about it!!! And he’s a non-horsey person-so this is big. He says he wants to be sure the new trailer, whatever it will be, is well cared for.

So yay. And thanks for the rec!



Me too. Came last weekend. I looove it

Rear facing side load back exit. It’s lovely. Very reminiscent of my Equispirit. Because it is also made by Hawk.


Love it! SO pretty! Is it a BP? I’m between a GN with no dress at all or what you posted as a BP.

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A friend has a 2021 model 4h balance ride and 2 axels failed on her. They were giving her problems about fixing it too.

I’ve always liked featherlite or 4star. If the European trailers were priced better I might consider them too.


One of the things I like best about my Hawk is the double-sided outer walls. The design is a sort of insulator, at least partial, against outside heat and cold.

I have a 2H straight-load bumper-pull with ramp and a small dressing room in front. This trailer is the one I hoped I could have someday, and a dealer helped me work it out with her demo model. I love it to pieces and think I could live in it … well maybe just for a horse show weekend … :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


Yes it’s a bumper pull (:

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I also just bought “the book.” I was disappointed. Grainy black and white pictures from another era. Did I perhaps get an older edition? I did order a used copy from an Amazon-selling bookstore.

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Well that’s terrifying. What about it failed? Both at the same time?