It’s kind of a wash on the slant vs 4’ straight. If you’re just hauling tack, I’d imagine 4’ is plenty. I like the straight wall myself, it makes the storage make more sense, versus wasted odd-angled corners in the slant room.
I have a baby tack room. It might be 3’ wide- just big enough for an RV door. I can fit plenty in there w the gooseneck for storage. A lot goes in the gooseneck. It was one of the things I did to make a smaller footprint.
i think i’ll probably go with that to allow more room for the front box stall. Load the larger of the two horses up front and lighter one aft. I am going to separate them from now on. I was told by trailer guys that the sway problem i have is i have no weight forward when both horses are loose (in my old 12ft open stock) and they faced back and looked out the rear slats. So… if i ever take three i’ll put the two smaller ones forward and larger one behind.
my new wrinkle on things is i’m going to have a side ramp and door off the front stall. Each stall will be 7’ by 6’8" and that front stall will get that extra wedge left from the smaller tack.
I’ve managed things for almost 20 years with NO storage, none!, so anything is going to be a major improvement.
Hoping to get it ordered tomorrow!
One downside to slat sides around here is no way to keep wasps out. My friend got sick of having to remove a nest or three every time she used the trailer, and went to one with windows that close.
O i KNOW!!! i’ve had open slats for almost 20 years. I use it every week so i keep up with those wasps… I have a can of wasp spray right by where i park it lol.
Whoa~!!! Check out this trailer! 3D printed to order!!
Another thought for air flow- I just had a fan installed in each of the “stalls” on the trailer. I was really surprised at how affordable it was (fan and installation cost me $179 each at a high end horse trailer dealership). This way I still have air moving even if I’m stuck in traffic
I don’t like it at alI and hope it looks radically different in person?? Sometimes change is not for the better.
LOL…and here i am, thinking maybe i should wait till these get on the market and just keep using my old trailer for 2-4 more years. (my SO says i need to get a new one asap). But i love the looks of this thing. And love that it’s friggin PLASTIC!!
OK… i’ve narrowed down my trailer except for a few little details.
gooseneck w bus windows on either side of gooseneck
steel construction & skin
rubber tongue-groove boards
mats on walls and floor
7’ tall at wall/7’ 10" in center (domed roof)
bumped out walls to 7’6" wide (having a swell of wheel well inside underneath the wall mats)
4ft at door, down to 2ft at opposite wall with saddle rack on the 2’ side.
walk thru door on dress wall
4’ wide ramp Side exit w/door above (that can be opened separately when stationary)
3 vents atop, steel riveted in
3 drop down windows on driver side
2 drop down windows on passengers side
2 drop down windows on tail gate
1 center stud divider straight across
rubber bumper at rear
painted Ford white
Can you specify domed roof? I think each manufacturer has “a roof” they do.
I’ve never seen drop downs on the back doors. I don’t see why they couldn’t, though!
i just looked at the roof again, and it’s not as domed as i said. I think the bowed top is probably only six inches in the center. Walls are 7’ then they add the roof, and it’s bowed.
And the drop downs on rear door are still in contention. They will go-for bus windows, but i need bars. Well, i want bars, (because horse is loose back there). I’m making my saleswoman go back at them again.
Here’s a pic of my old one and you can really see how that roof is built.
The bus windows should have bars over them, even with a screen. All windows in the horse compartment should have bars??
It just shows how we all have different tastes. I am sure there are many just as excited as you are and while plastic is much lighter, I have reservations on how durable it may be?
I know they won’t be cheaper
Yes, all the bus windows in my trailer have bars over. And screens on the opening part. Both good things, but makes it hard to clean the windows!
these guys do not have bars on their bus windows. I told them every other trailer makker has them and she said, “Well, we don’t.” My options (for rear gate) are: Solid. Slats. Bus (no bars). So i’m working on trying to get them to agree with Drop windows. (I don’t need them to drop at all, i just need the bars)!
If they don’t drop, are they just there for the light?
these guys’ drops also have a slide, just like bus’ do. Though their drop downs do not have screens.
I would find another maker. Bus windows without bars are asking for an injury, IMO.
I love the maker. Their box trailers are so solid. The steel parts anyway lol.
In their defense, they fully expect horses to be loaded and TIED UP inside. Me building two box stalls is a complete divergence. As usual, i’m doing things weird.