Horse with sore back

I have an off the track thoroughbred gelding, who is 21 years old. I do not know his history before me. I have had him for four years. He is sore in his back right above the kidneys. He has a chiropractor out about every 8 weeks. He has his left wither, his spine and his right hip adjusted during these visits. He has not been eating as much lately. The grass is poor due to lack of rain and he has not been finishing his grain. He has also been standing with the back right hoof up, which looks like he is taking pressure off of his hip. That is causing is left back cannon bone to be a little puffy.

At first I thought the no eating was due to depression, (a week ago a pasture/playmate was put down). He was acting very sluggish but originally it was about 100 degrees and humid. I also have not been riding a lot due to purchasing a new home and working on it while working 50+ hours a week. So, I ruled out the saddle.

Now that the temperature has gone down and we received a little bit of rain for the grass, he is even more sore.

What could be causing this pain? Could the weight loss play a part into the pain?

I wish he could just talk, it would be easier than this guessing game.

Might want to post this in the Horse Care forum as this forum is for Riders with Health Issues :slight_smile:

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