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Horseback and on-the-ground exercises for strengthening/weight loss?

I miss being riding fit. I let my emotional issues take over and I gained weight and lost fitness. Now I am fighting to get back there again…which I will do.

I have strict diet that I follow and my exercise is about an hour. I do more pilates and yoga.

that is usually a sign that your abs are weak and/or that your hips are tight! Tight hips and hamstrings can pull on that lower back, and if your back is stronger than your abs it will compensate.

Another exercise you can start doing is planks. Just do it when watching TV or something…like plank during the commercials![/QUOTE]

Well, I started doing P90X again, so hopefully that will help me with all of this. It’s really been emphasizing how pathetically out of shape I am, though ;_; I used to be able to keep up and do the Ab Ripper X workout with no breaks. I will get that back, dammit!

If you are one of the new members to the Epona Group, go to files and check out the pilates challenge file. It lists all the videos we did for that challenge. I have to tell you, between all my crunches and planking in December, and then this pilates challenge in January, my core feels so much stronger and the difference can definitely be felt when I ride. I had a huge break through last month when I could actually feel my core being engaged and it felt awesome!

This is so me. I work at a place that provides free lunches and often has snacks out. I bring my own fruit & veggie snacks but there are more than a couple of times I’ve had OMG THAT CHOCOLATE MINT CAKE WAS SO GOOD NO REGRETS, regrets.

Ughhh, I’m trying to lose 2 pounds per week and it is awful. My budget right now is 1233. The thing is, I’m not usually hungry when I eat too much. I just used to see food and go “FOOD” and shovel it into my face :stuck_out_tongue: If I have to actually think about what I’m eating and record it, I don’t even have the urge to eat nearly as much.[/QUOTE]