
Why can’t it be “Riders with Disabilities”?

Or horsepeople. More than just men on here!

Yeah the “horsemen” is awkward and inaccurate. “Riders with Disabilities” is a bit more all-inclusive.

Good post. That’s been bugging me!

I think the idea is that riders isn’t inclusive of drivers and those who work with horses from the ground.

But offer up suggestions to Mod 1!! Invite and whicker kicked around a few possibilities, but the goal was to be as inclusive as possible without having a forum title wider than the width of your computer screen.

Good point, DressageGeek.

Something generic like “Dealing with Disabilities”?

I agree that “People who are around horses be it by riding, driving or vaulting or anything else and also have disabilities” would be a bit much.

Equestrians with Disabilities?

I haven’t an issue with Horsemen with Disabilities; I fought long and hard to be recognised among the horsemen at the track and to get them to stop saying attention horsemen and ladies with ladies being an afterthought. I do have an issue with it only saying riders though as about all I ride now is the quad or the tractor :slight_smile:

I thought it should be “Forum for the NQR” but that’s probably more insulting then “Horsemen”. Riders with disabilities excludes a ton of people. Some people drive or take care of horses and do not ride, either b/c their disability prevents it or because they choose not to.

Frankly, I am thrilled COTH has given us a forum where we can share ideas, ask for help, etc. The other forums are not as open to the disabled people because the posters don’t deal with what we deal with. I was often too uncomfotable to ask questions on the dressage forum or if I did post, I would be basically ignored. I became a lurker until I found the guts to say to myself,“Screw this. I’m disabled and I need help. I’ll ask questions and hope I get answers.”

I’ve never been one too concerned with titles or lables. I’m just psyched to have an open minded, warm &fuzzy forum!

Feeling Creative?

Do you want to create another title that will draw more people to the forum?
It needs to be warm and encouraging and it would help if it created a leading question. There can be elements that don’t necessarily go together, that make the reader want to find out more and answer the question. For example, “Scorpion in the Sea”

I am looking forward to your thoughts!


I just thought Equestrians With Disabilities might be an idea.

I just thought Equestrians With Disabilities might be an idea.[/QUOTE]

Very good idea!

How about just plain “horse people with disabilities”?

May not be the best use of the English language, but it is all inclusive enough to maybe make most objectors happy.:wink:

Just saw this thread and it reminded me that we were going to give “equestrians” a try.

It was originally Riding with Disabilities, which was thought to exclude those who drive, etc.

The Chronicle uses “horsemen” as a universal term, regardless of gender, but Equestrians works just fine too.

We want something that is pretty straightforward so it’s easy for folks unfamiliar with the site to identify with immediately if they’re Googling for info.

Mod 1

Oh for god’s sake…do you also worry about “Womyn” or “Herstory” as a way of being female inclusive?

Isn’t Equestrian just too far from Equestrienne to be inclusive?

This PC BS is very sad.

I see it less as being PC and more about accuracy. This forum holds some very sensitive subjects. As much delicacy as we can provide here is a good thing.

Oh for god’s sake…do you also worry about “Womyn” or “Herstory” as a way of being female inclusive?

Isn’t Equestrian just too far from Equestrienne to be inclusive?

This PC BS is very sad.[/QUOTE]

Whatever! So I’m a feminist! I don’t think we need to be antagonistic. Just trying to start a discussion. I like Equestrians best.

Whatever! So I’m a feminist! I don’t think we need to be antagonistic. Just trying to start a discussion. I like Equestrians best.[/QUOTE]

So do I. My advice? Sound the retreat, Trak! :lol:

Forum name is changed!

I think this thread should die. It is causing nothing but turmoil. This is supposed to be a “safe” forum where people can discuss issues openly. We don’t need fighting here. A title is a title and nothing more. Let us move on to things of actual importance!

Back to horses…if anyone has further suggestions, feel free to contact us directly.

Mod 1