My mare’s flat work has improved quite a bit over the past couple of years, I really have made a concentrated effort specifically on this. Where she used to be somewhat hollow, head in the air, incorrect bend and behind the leg, these days she is generally forward, quick off the leg, reaches for contact and is willing to work from behind.
Being a re-rider who took over twenty years off from riding, I have my own challenges and have really needed to work on balance and learning again to work off my seat and my legs. It’s a work in process and I am still pretty crooked.
Anyway, I am finding flat work seems to come much easier with her jumping bit, a Happy Mouth 2-ring elevator. With her Dressage bit (currently a Happy Mouth jointed boucher) the contact and (for lack of a better term) “roundness” doesn’t seem to come nearly as easily. We can get there, but it seems to happen much more easily and naturally with her jumping bit.
I am sure the leverage of the jumping bit is a factor here, as are my own limitations or suckage as a rider. But it’s a bit frustrating when everything seems to come together so nicely with one bit, but just doesn’t with the other (FWIW, I have also tried her in an eggbutt snaffle, and a french link loose ring). Any ideas of what I might look for in our flat work to work towards what we seem to be able to accomplish with ease with the jumping bit?