Horses for Heroes event in Mass. UPDATE

#1 Jan. 22, 2010, 02:05 AM
Working Hunter Join Date: Oct. 10, 2001
Location: The Peoples’ Republic of Cambridge, Massachusetts, USA
Posts: 227

Cross-Post from Off Course:-)

If you are a vet or are serving in the military (or you care about someone who is!) I want to let you know about a great event happening this Sunday, January 31. Command Sergeant-Major Samuel Rhodes–a real live combat hero and a great guy–is speaking in Haverhill, MA on Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) and the work he has done with Horses for Heroes to help those affected. Please help us spead the word, if you know of someone who can benefit–or who is interested in therapeutic horsemanship programs for our wounded warriors. The event is free, accessible, and includes plenty of coffee and snacks. Contact me for info or check
Thanks, and pass it along!

I am SO bummed, was not enough notice to get anyone to fill my shift so cannot go…

Wondering if anyone is going who might audio-tape for me and grab any handouts that might be???

I am SERIOUSLY dissapointed. Going through the process of applying for 401c3, but really need some mentoring and contacts for getting this going. I have the horses, the experience & the time… don’t have a ring, or any fundage (personally) for things like a handicap access porta-potty, or adaptive equipment. :frowning:

Man that would be great if they brought it to Indy. I’ve seen a marked improvement in my husband since I’ve got him working with my horses. Even started getting him to bring his soldiers by to ride.

Update on Horses for Heroes–longish

Hi everybody–I wanted to give a fast update for those who couldn’t be with us Sunday.
Sergeant Rhodes, as advertised, was very impressive, and talked a lot about his own experience of PTSD. There were definitely damp eyes in the audience when he talked about losing friends in Iraq and his own struggles with suicidal impulses after getting home.
Sam also described the Horses for Heroes program at Fort Benning as something that grew out of his own experience. He said “the horse doesn’t heal your wounds…but it provides trust, acceptance and freedom” . At Benning, they offer an ongoing riding program for vets, and also a one-day event that they hold periodically for new riders. The one-day events last all day and involve on-the-ground teaching, riding and a steak dinner–and they are very popular. Sam’s program also involves a partnership with a local high school riding group that supports both elements of programming.
This part of the presentation was intriguing, and Sam was encouraging toward the folks in the audience interested in starting veterans’ programs. He did not provide quite as much how-to-do-it nuts and bolts detail as I wanted in the talk, but did offer to be available by phone and email for continued consultation.
Sam also directed me to some reference materials from Walter Reed Army Hospital, which I am now chasing down, and will be glad to share. I do have the slide show he used in the presentation, as well, and can provide it to anyone interested. I know there were folks there from other barns and therapeutic programs–I’m sorry I didn’t get to talk to everybody.
Interestingly, about a dozen vets expressed interest in joining a riding program after the event was over. So I think “if you build it they will come.” I’d love to be in touch with anyone who is interested in starting a vets’ program, just pm me!