Horsey Mchorseface wins his first race

I had a good LOL at the name, but he got a win, too! :slight_smile:

Too funny! Glad he got a win!

He does have a pretty cute horse face! :slight_smile:

Apropos of nothing, in England, there was a contest held to name a huge Royal Navy ship that was about to go into service. Many names were submitted, and the name with the most votes was “Boaty McBoatface”. :slight_smile: The Royal Navy decided that it was not going to name its brand new, wonderful ship "Boaty McBoatface, so that ship got a new name.

But a specialized diving boat (evidently, it goes underwater looking for things) was named Boaty McBoatface instead.

I think that is as good a story as Horsey McHorseface winning. :smiley:

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That was a nice race, I thought Big Dreamer had, but Horsey took it.

The article days it was a polar expedition ship, not a naval ship that had the Boaty McBoatface name.