Hot Flashes. Yuck.

Yep. Just started up again in January Have had them on and off for a long time (several years). Very annoying! OK OK this should be over I’m 56!!! Greatly appreciate any advice, wisdom on the topic.

I think that hot flashes after menopause will always be there, just more on the rare side.

I had not had any for years and started a new medication and had some about an hour after using that new medication for some days, until my body adjusted to it, I guess.

Hot flashes are not about something we “have”, but when other is altered, our body responds trying to regain balance and misfires at times bringing a hot flash for a bit.
During menopause can be continuous and very annoying with the hormonal disruptions.
Then it tapers off to fewer and later rarer yet.

Always when something changes, like starting serious and frequent hot flashes again, it is smart to let the Dr check you out, be sure those hot flashes are not in response to other that may need checked over.

I was completely through menopause by the time I was about 45. Every once in awhile I still have a doozy of a hot flash 14 years later. Not very often, but when it happens it seems to be in a cluster of three or four and then things go silent for months at a time.
ETA: I think stress may be a contributing factor.

After finding out I had breast cancer last year, and surgery, I started on hormone blocker medication, and a fun side effect was the return of hot flashes. They’re getting to be less and less over time, and hopefully one day they’ll disappear. It’s most noticeable at night when I’m not moving around. I’m 67, btw, and hadn’t had a hot flash for 10 years. I know I’m lucky to have discovered my cancer so early (get your mammograms regularly!) but it’s definitely the pits.

It has changed how I dress for work. I wear a light weight top and a sweater that buttons down the front so I can take the sweater off quickly. I need to order a fan for my desk. Most annoying is waking up several times during the night. I know things could be worse but…:cry: Yuck!


I’m not even in menopause yet but are now getting hot flashes from myTamoxifen (although I am 52 so real menopause can please start at any time!!!) …blech! Hubby bought this great little gadget for the bed as mine are worse at night! It’s been a life saver…

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May want to cross post about that in the Off Topic forum thread on this topic also, where more will hear about it.

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I don’t mind them in the Winter so much. We keep the house at 60 overnight and 65 during the day so an occasional hot flash is welcomed!!

I hate to be the bearer of bad news, but when I started having mine a couple of years ago, I asked a friend who is in her 70’s when they stop and she still gets them:eek:

I am 56 too. Mine are not as frequent and I don’t break out in a sweat anymore. Just that sudden whoosh of heat throughout the body.

They started when I was 40 and I still have them at 63. Thankfully they aren’t as frequent but can be very intense. My sister has them at 65 and unbelievably my 87 year old mother complains about the odd one. Oh joy…

I didn’t take hormone replacement therapy. My sister did. Menopause for me lasted about 2-3 months and it was over. Including the hot flashes (minus a singular one about twice per year or less). It’s been going on for my sister for over two years and she is having hot flashes every day. I always have wondered if it’s the hormone replacement that drags it out.

@NotGrandPrixYet I think it probably varies from person to person. I wasn’t going to get hormones, but when the hot flushes kicked up to every 90 mins on the dot, 24 hours a day, I buckled. I was so desperate for sleep after a couple of weeks that I wouldn’t have taken absolutely anything that at least made them stop for the night.

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No hormones here. I’m 62 and I’ve been having hot flashes for the last 10 or so years. They have lessened in severity and frequency in the last year, thank God. At one point I had 21 in a 24 hour period.

I wear light clothing that I can take off quickly. My hot flashes start with a pounding heart that makes me feel a bit panicky, so speed is of the essence. I haven’t worn a pullover sweater in many, many years. Red wine makes them worse (dammit - sometimes it’s worth it though). Exercise helps a good bit.

My sympathies to you. Hot flashes stink.

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Black Cohosh works great.

400iu natural vitamin E has been working for me.

My doc (not an obgyn) suggested I go on low dose birth control and that has helped a great deal. Have not had a hot flash at work in over a month. Still have some at night but not getting drenched. And less disruptive to sleep. I just needed some estrogen. I have appt with real obgyn in September (she has a long wait list) so I am hoping to explore other options since the birth control pills cause me to have periods and that is the downside. My friend has an estrogen patch that she says has really helped.

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I have a girlfriend whose physician put her on Lexapro, which is an anti-depressant, for hot flashes. My friend did not consider herself depressed, though she does have a high stress job. The Lexapro did double duty - diminished the hot flashes a significant degree and my friend says she’s never felt mentally/emotionally better.

Rocky mouse, that’s awesome for your friend. Glad it worked for her. I have also heard good things about hypnosis which can be done by a QUALIFIED hypnotherapist or you can do self hypnosis by recording script and listening to it. There are several self hypnosis scripts on the web- you could also read a few and write your own. . Hypnosis is an altered state that we all experience. Not everyone is susceptible to hypnosis but if you are it is likely something to try.

Have you tried any cooling products such as cooling vests, hats, etc? There are a lot of companies out there that cater to athletes, people with medical conditions, or people who work outdoors. I hope you can find something that helps!

Acupuncture and Chinese herbs can be helpful