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Hot Water in Wash Rack

I’m considering having hot water installed in my wash racks for the winter. Do any of you have one? If so, are you using on-demand hot water, or a water heater? Pros/cons

Our barn has hot water year-round. Tankless is more efficient, especially for occasional use, but you need to have either gas or 240v available for best results. The units that run on 120v are not well suited to delivering any volume of hot water…fine for “under-sink” use, but not for bigger jobs.

Tank. Bathroom, kitchen, and the wash stalls. Horses are also watered with warm water in the winter to encourage better drinking. They seem to like it quite a bit.

ETA, wondering how a tankless would cope with super cold weather when you want to leave both taps dripping and not just the cold one?

A friend has one from sstack.com and likes it - portable on a dolly with a propane tank heater. On sale right now.