How about an update on what's going on with the board?

Well, after not getting the yellow email validation message all this time, now I’m seeing that ne too. On iPad with Safari. Seems I can still post ok.

I’ve sent a follow-up report to the tech team re: the notifications being seen at the top of the page. I’m no longer having that issue. For those who still are, could you please try logging out of your accounts and then logging back in to see if that helps resolve it?

I’ve asked for an update re: the posts being restored and explained that some PMs apparently went missing as well.

Thanks again for your patience!
Mod 1

[QUOTE=Moderator 1;7135888]
I’ve sent a follow-up report to the tech team re: the notifications being seen at the top of the page. I’m no longer having that issue. For those who still are, could you please try logging out of your accounts and then logging back in to see if that helps resolve it?[/QUOTE]

Tried. Logged out, logged back in, every screen had the e-mail validated message at the top. Safari on iPad.

I’m not getting the “email address verified” anymore (that was whether I was logged in or not). Now I’m getting “access Denied” at the top of every page. Whether I’m logged in or not. But I can apparently still post.

Mine now shows “User Account” at the top of the page??

We’re actually in the midst of a transition to a new company for hosting and tech support, which should provide some great benefits down the line. Some exciting stuff in the works!

We’re still sorting out who is handling some of the residual problems from earlier in the week, but they should be resolved relatively soon.

Thanks for your patience!
Mod 1

Thanks for the update

I’m now Access Denied at the top of every page.

I too get the yellow banner, access denied, and user account flags.

I also have a missing post or two.

In addition, I had been sent a PM to which I replied, but, never heard back. It could be the person chose not to respond, or I kind of have a feeling that my reply never went through.
I sent a PM to another user, and never got a response that time either, it could be the same as above, but who knows.

I now have a yellow banner that says this:

  • [LIST]
  • A registration confirmation has been sent to your email. Please follow the instructions in the confirmation email to complete your registration. [LIST]
  • You have successfully validated your e-mail address.

I had that, too. At first I ignored it, just thinking it was a banner ad trying to sell me something. :slight_smile: But then I checked the email address COTH had for me, and sure enough, it was an old address I no longer have access to. So I updated it in my profile on here.

The yellow banner went away. Now it says User account in the top left corner of every page I go to.

ETA: But when I left the board and came back, so did the yellow banner. Now it just says I have successfully validated my email address. Not the stuff about registration confirmation.

I have had the email validation, user account and now have access denied header. Very odd.

[QUOTE=Home Again Farm;7139825]
I have had the email validation, user account and now have access denied header. Very odd.[/QUOTE]

I do too…I am on a PC, running both Chrome and Internet Explorer. Each time I click on a page it will show me a different one, but I get all three.

That’s funny, at the top of my page it says “Access Denied.”

I’m waiting for it to say “Resistance is Futile”[/QUOTE]

I’m still getting the random user account/access denied/verify email messages.

But I had to comment here mostly just to quote the post above, which is fantastic! :lol:

[QUOTE=Moderator 1;7135888]
I’ve sent a follow-up report to the tech team re: the notifications being seen at the top of the page. I’m no longer having that issue. For those who still are, could you please try logging out of your accounts and then logging back in to see if that helps resolve it?

I’ve asked for an update re: the posts being restored and explained that some PMs apparently went missing as well.

Thanks again for your patience!
Mod 1[/QUOTE]

I was getting “access denied” and validated email alert. I logged out/ in and it is gone. Thanks! Always reboot first:)

I was getting “access denied” and validated email alert. I logged out/ in and it is gone. Thanks! Always reboot first:)[/QUOTE]

Tried again just now and continue to get the messages after logging out and logging back in. Safari on iPad.

I am getting a variety of announcements (email verified, access denied, user account) at the top of my page with both my netbook and my laptop.

They performed some tweaks overnight to address the messages being received at the top of users’ screens, and we’d like feedback to see if the issue is resolved (and stays fixed!), so please let us know.

Thanks for your patience!

Mod 1

[QUOTE=Moderator 1;7142376]
They performed some tweaks overnight to address the messages being received at the top of users’ screens, and we’d like feedback to see if the issue is resolved (and stays fixed!), so please let us know.

Thanks for your patience!

Mod 1[/QUOTE]

Mine looks normal now, not even the “user account” label. Thanks.

I just logged out and back in. “User Account” heading is back for me.