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How can I protect my fragile spine?

I have a three level fusion in L3, L4, L5, S1 vertebrae. I also have DDD in the rest of my spine. I still would like to ride. I know that the safety vests can’t protect me 100% but is there one that is more likely to keep me protected than another? What do you folks with back issues do to protect yourself and keep riding?

Start with riding light, don’t do much that causes spine concussion, like sitting trot in horses that are rough or very springy.

Get a seat cushion, maybe also a cushioning saddle pad or stirrup pads.
Look into Thinline products.

Thinking protection from blows or falling/bucking off is important, but the every day mechanical action on the spine from regular riding needs to be addressed also.


There are some motorcycle racing safety vests that are specifically aimed at protecting the spine. Mere so than most equestrian vests which are more focused on protecting soft tissue.